Spiritual Storytelling/Receive a Reading
It would be an honor to support you through spiritual storytelling. (Most people call this "a reading.") Sometimes the stories I share help folks to heal, better understand their own soul, discern the next steps on their life path, or step more deeply into relationship with their spiritual supporters (angels, ancestors/loved ones from the other side, ascended masters, animal guides).
Sometimes special topics or your questions drive our conversation with your soul and spiritual supporters. This happens when people are experiencing Big Life Change or when they have questions weighing heavily on their heart. Your questions and special requests are always welcome.
Hands-on Healing
The energy work I do is helping people with pain relief, including physical, emotional and spiritual pain. My background/training is in Jin Shin Jyutsu and Health Kinesiology. However, I rely on a variety of angels to assist and support me in hands-on healing.
The work I do follows a fairly predictable flow... First I will ask your permission to speak with your soul and any spiritual supporters that might be present. Generally energy flows take between 15 and 45 minutes and there are often angelic recommendations to support continued healing over time.
Group Work
Because the support I offer takes place under the guidance of the angels, the information shared, while often deeply personal, is also usually easy and even fun to share with others.
In some cases, it can be beneficial to share the experience of spiritual storytelling with friends or family. Some wonderful groups have taken place between business partners, extended families, couples and friends.
General Recommendations for Sessions:
When the focus is spiritual storytelling, I work over the phone or by videoconference (I use all available apps). Locally I often meet with folks at a coffee shop, their home, a park, or the library. Whatever calls to you, works for all involved, and whatever the weather allows is good for location.
Most sessions last about 90 minutes or so at a minimum, but if you have a lot of questions or high need, we might feel called to a longer session. Group sessions usually last 3 or so hours depending on the number of people involved.
I recommend having some way to record information like a notebook and pen or even a recording device because often people want to reflect upon or remember specific guidance after our session.
My work continues to be In The Gift, meaning people share from the abundance of their lives in whatever amount or way they feel called in return for my time. This allows me to serve people from all walks and stages of life.