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Words from Shiva

Who We (the angels) Are, Suggestions for Change and Ultimately, Freedom

We’ll begin with who YOU are… It’s so important to understand the beauty and mystery of being a child of God, a child of Creation, a child of Love.

You folks are way too hard on yourselves. Really!

From the eyes of an angel, you are so extraordinary, each and every one of you. We love you with ferocity, dedication, a fierce protective spirit. We revel in your actions, even the ones you regret later. That’s not to say we endorse everything you do. No, not at all. But the dance of your lives is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful.

Life itself is the manifestation of God’s juice. It’s like the pure distillation of God’s will and spirit. You are part of God, of the God-force that is expanding into every crevice of nothingness.

We were once like you, yes. We remember the boring days, the suffering, the challenges of survival. We also remember the challenge of finding our way back to interconnection after having fallen away. We love the story of Genesis in the bible and the tale of Adam and Eve leaving the Garden of Eden. This is so True! You have lost your connection with your Mother/Father God and life is so much more difficult as a result. There is pain in separation.

Still, this is the journey of life. For you to retain your integrity and dignity as children of God you must walk the path of self-knowledge and self-discovery. It takes many lifetimes.

Some among you awaken to the truth of your beingness sooner than others. Therein lie the seeds of conflict. You are all on the same journey and yet you travel at different speeds and take different paths. The destination is always the same though. In the end you will arrive home, home to each other and to yourselves. This a place of deep acceptance. It’s a beautiful, tranquil place of joy and deep peace.

As you travel, we angels are charged with offering you protection and guidance. We can’t protect you from everything though; it’s true. We cannot always protect you from yourselves and we cannot always protect you from an early death. We do try though, yes indeed! And the guidance we offer? What of it?

Our guidance is like the whisper of the wind through the trees. It is always with you, subtle and moving. We see you bending and flowing with it, just as the branches of the willow weave a dance in wind. Yet we cannot guide you in everything. There are lessons for you to learn and although we might know the answers, know the way forward, we dare not interfere with your learning. You are sacred and your path is sacred. Each step toward your home is yours to take and yours alone. It must be crafted by you. We respect you and know you as children of God, and the divine within you must be allowed to walk freely.

We treasure freedom, so much so! You might be surprised that this is one of our most treasured values. So many of you have rarely experienced freedom. It seems there are agents of control and manipulation on every corner of every street on your world.

We see the changes taking place on your planet though, among your people. Things are breaking down and this is a good thing! The old ways of rigid control and structure are beginning to fail. It will take time, but this breakdown is so productive! Celebrate the freedom that is coming. Celebrate the freedom that will be yours in the ruins of the lies that are crumbling today and onward.

From freedom whole new ways of being will emerge… We are here to share these words, to write with this woman, in order to support you in finding your way to the change you need. That change can be captured in one word, FREEDOM!

You are children of God, holier than you can imagine, even in your mistakes, even in your pain and suffering. One day you will walk in peace and you will know this truth. Until then, we will support you in living.

Let’s begin to dig into the specific changes that will support you in stepping more deeply into the freedom you need to be children of God wholly and without constraint. I have made a list of these changes. I hope they will resonate with many of you.

They are my gift to you. I am Shiva.

Here are 43 Suggestions for Action in the Direction of Change and Ultimate Freedom. Enjoy them!

• Be sexy. Your sexual nature is one aspect of your divine selves that has been utterly manipulated and constrained. It comes from every direction and many of you recognize this… religion, social rules, shame…. “poisoning of the well” is how I think of it. Your sexuality is tied to your divinity, your very connection to the Godhead that is Creation. It’s wild and sometimes without restraint. We understand the power of sexuality and the fear that power has inspired. From fear all the controls have emerged, but they are not of God, of Life. Unleash your sexuality and revel in it. Love yourselves, love one another, love the trees and the life around you. Be sexy.

• Stop working. The whole idea of work is one that rankles us as angels. We love meaningful, inspired activity of every kind, yes. But work? What is this manner of control you’ve invented here on the earth? We cannot imagine a less holy, more constraining way to shackle your beautiful divine selves to lies. Slavery, that’s what work is to the vast majority of people on your planet. It’s ghastly from an angelic perspective, appalling. And so unnecessary! There is such abundance here as to boggle the mind. This is earth, the crown jewel of the universe, a place where life and the riches of life are practically without end. Find ways to stop working and follow your heart. Freedom will follow.

• Love your children. You struggle so with violence on this world, but none of that is necessary. In a single generation all violence could end if the children of the world were loved and taught how to love and honor themselves and one another. Really, it’s not that difficult. Peace is a way, not a destination.

• Bury your dead. We mean this literally. Right now there is a movement, a fashion, for burning. This robs the soil and the land of the richness of your bodies and your bodies are so rich!! We do not approve of embalming either. There are time-honored traditions around the world for how to bury the dead in sacred grounds so any pathogens from a deceased body do not contaminate the ground water or growing lands of a people. Relearn these traditions, restore them and return to giving your dead back to the land.

• Celebrate more. There are those among you, you know who you are, who are here to lead the celebrations. There is no reason for dour attitudes and constant toil. Your world is rich! You can be, could be, party central for the universe. You need to be this. It is one of the purposes of your earth. She yearns to host joy and revelry and a riot of life. Step into your purpose and light the flame of joy and dance. And food!

• Grow everything. You are the garden of the galaxy. You have the capacity to grow every sort of plant and your people have gifts for cultivation that surpass even the imagination of the greatest of angelic farmers. Be who you are and plant gardens in every nook and cranny. Surround yourselves with a riot of flowers and fruits. Share them with your animal companions. Be a garden.

• Spread joy in all languages. We have noticed your people love their words. Emphasize the beautiful, life-affirming and love-affirming among them. Write, sing, speak and print the words of joy. Ignore the rest. You don’t need them.

• Beware the lies. Whoa, you people have some powerful lies being spread! Some examples: you are not good; you need to be controlled; you need to be taught as children; you must work to survive; some are better than others; punishment is necessary for those who make mistakes; war is necessary; violence is necessary sometimes and justified; children are less than; the poor will always be with you; there’s not enough to go around; survival of the fittest is a law of the universe; and I could go on. If a particular idea pits one person or group against another, it’s a lie. If a particular idea enriches one person or group and impoverishes another, it’s a lie. You are one and you are of God and Love. Ideas that are true are in alignment with this.

• Practice kindness. Here is the revolution! Be kind to yourselves first. Be kind to your children second. Be kind to your brothers and sisters, your fellow travelers, third. Be kind to your animal companions fourth. Be kind to the land and the soil and the plants that dwell there fifth. Nothing more is needed.

• Practice renegade joy. Does a thing or person bring you joy? This is a critically important question for each one of you. You cannot fulfill your soul’s purpose or learn your soul lessons without following your deepest joy. Let go of everything and everyone that does not bring you joy and do not mourn. That thing or person will surely, we promise you, be picked up, discovered as if by destiny, by the person who will find joy there. When you hold onto something or someone because of habit, or an outdated promise, or some social convention, you are holding it, keeping it away from the person who will find their joy there. Let go. Keep moving. Follow your joy always.

• Become lovers of the law. I know, this one surprises you! We angels love freedom and yet we know there are laws that support freedom for everyone. Ah, lovers of the US Constitution understand what I am saying here, no? That document was created with the support of many angels and many good men and women too who were not recognized as part of the process (their contributions were critically important!) It is time for new laws, laws in alignment with the truth of your beingness and the holiness of your earth, to be created, written and ratified. You can do this!

• Love your elders. There are some lands where the tradition of treasuring your old ones has not died. Follow their ways. Do not dismiss the aging or berate the losses people experience when they grow old. They are still growing. You just need to lean in to feel their wisdom and to hear the angels speaking through them.

• Celebrate the small things. Tiny miracles of life and love surround you every day. There will come a time, and it’s coming soon, when you will again be able to see these miracles. When you do, celebrate, announce and treasure each one. You will see miracles in the unfolding of a flower, in the first steps of a child, in the healing of a wound. You will see miracles in death and birth. You will see them in sickness and in wellness. Celebrate, announce and treasure.

• Throw yourselves into your passions. Whatever it is that calls to your heart and spirit, do that. Spend as little time as possible on the “daily grind.” Do not apologize for this; take your whole being and commit to doing whatever it is you love. There is no better way to honor God and life.

• Practice brother and sisterhood. Every single one of you is related to every other person on the planet. The differences between you are like seasoning. They will add fun and spice and endless avenues for joyful exploration and discovery between you. In truth you are all brothers and sisters. It is time to sink into your awareness of this reality.

• Love and treasure and care for your animal companions. All the animals of the world are precious gifts of beingness with specific purposes to share. Love them fiercely. Protect them. Offer them shelter, space, food and good, clean water. Gift them everything you have and the rewards will be without end. Stop eating them, yes. That too, yes.

• Revel in rainbows. Each of you has a rainbow within. For some people the rainbow within is already manifest. For others, the rainbow is struggling to catch the light. But you all have it. Surround yourselves with reminders of the rainbow that you might know who you are and remember who is around you.

• Light candles. This is another time-honored tradition like burying the dead in the earth that needs to be restored. Light candles for everything, for parties, for sadness, in prayer and in honor.

• Do more jumping. OK, so this one is less literal and more metaphorical than my previous suggestions. It’s time to use your imaginations a bit. Jumping, from an angelic perspective, is about doing something unexpected and surprising. It’s about taking risks in the direction of light and love and joy and peace. You can do this. There is no need to be shy about it. Follow your inspirations. Every one of you has these inspirations to jump. Now is the time.

• Revel in the sand and the sea. Beaches are holy places. We see you being attracted there. Stand at these precious boundaries between water and land and feel yourselves rejuvenated. Bring your umbrellas and stay safe. Go.

• Place yourselves carefully. This is about choosing where to live. There are pieces of land crying out for freedom. If you listen as a people, you will recognize those places and you will choose to live where the land can sustain you.

• Wonder about angels. It is time for us, as beings of pure consciousness, to enter into a new kind of relationship with human beings. In so doing, you will be presented with opportunities to reach across the boundaries of culture and religion to connect with one another in new ways. It is time to understand yourselves as members of one worldwide human community. We can help with this.

• Bring music to everything you do. Music will lift your hearts and spirits and support you in flowing with The Way.

• Make friends everywhere. A culture of friendship will further support the creation of a world united.

• Cook more. While restaurants are a gift, too many people are losing the ability and know-how for preparing healthy food in their own home. As a result, homes are losing the smell and sacred energetic flow of home cooking.

• Die without intervention. You have the capacity to feel into your impending death. Letting go and refusing medical intervention will bring great peace to your soul and those around you. Embrace death when it comes. It is a wonderful adventure.

• Sing more. Restore your traditions of singing and do not worry about the quality of your song. There are lots of people listening to music but too few creating it.

• Bring joy to everything you do. This will give your actions the weight and lift of the divine.

• Rummage around your neighborhoods seeking treasures. You might find a neighbor you’ve never met before or an abandoned piece of equipment that can serve a new purpose. You might decide to plant a garden or build a place of play for the children.

• Look beyond the earth to the stars for wisdom. The stars and other planets have always moved and danced in harmony with one another and all that exists. There are great truths waiting to be discovered among them.

• Bare yourselves. Be naked more. Put your clothing away and feel the wind on your skin, the warm sun too.

• Walk more. By slowing down and moving at a natural pace everything will come into clear focus and peace will reign in your hearts and your communities. Speed is an enemy of sorts.

• Blow with the wind. This is a suggestion for those among you who are called to travel to do so. Unencumber yourselves and move freely to wherever your heart and the winds call you.

• Be free with one another in conversation. Disclose more of your heart to those around you. Be vulnerable and open. You have nothing to hide or fear. You are all brothers and sisters, born of the same Source.

• Run for fun. Running for joy and to lift one’s spirit is a great gift. Even the old among you might run for short bursts and laugh at the end of your sprint. Let the children run and run until they can run no more.

• Return to a simple life. This does not mean you need to reject technology, no. Some of you will be called to play with technology, which is nothing more than the creation and use of tools. When we angels encourage simplicity, we are asking you to focus on only those things that truly bring you joy and call to you heart and soul. Only those things, nothing more, nothing extra is needed.

• Shake hands and hold hands more. There are incredible bonds created between people who touch one another with their hands. These bonds can literally change the face of the earth and the future of your species.

• Bring peace to your acquisitions. If there is something you need for your life or your home, secure that thing within your community if at all possible. Rebuilding local community interdependence is key to building a healthier world.

• Do not fear the warming of your earth. Your climate has changed and will continue to change as a result of the impact of your population. Adding fear or hysteria to this situation will not help matters. What you can do is begin a process of listening to the land, plants and animals around you. Each one of you can do this. When you truly listen with your heart and your spirit, you will find ways of living in harmony with the life around you.

• Join groups that support peace. Each one of you here on earth has a purpose to fulfill, gifts to share. Every life is of incomparable value, unimaginable preciousness. Losing lives through warfare is unnecessary and hurts everyone.

• Bring your joy to fruition. Do not put your dreams on hold for another or for an obligation real or perceived. Whatever brings you joy must be the focus of your life. Do not delay and do not settle.

• Wander for no reason. There is a certain kind of magic that happens when you allow yourselves to simply drift or follow a whim. During these times we angels can bring you to places and people who will be gifts to your person.

• Lay down in the grass, in the sand, on the warm stones, in the snow. Putting your body into full contact with that of the surface of Mother Earth is like receiving a massage. It’s so beneficial to your whole being! Do this often.

Now maybe you are looking at this list of suggestions and thinking they seem “airy-fairy” or unrealistic. I challenge that view. Your people are in a time of great turmoil and suffering. What you need most are simple, practical ways and means to create positive change. These suggestions will accomplish that, even if only a small fraction of your population embraces them.

They will catch on… almost as if by some unstated agreement. One day, several people will begin spending more time together holding hands with one another. Then, 12 years later, entire communities will be known for spending long periods of time with their hands joined. This is how these suggestions will work. If any or all call you, do not hesitate. Bring these changes into your lives today and witness the wonders that will result. I invite you.

With loving regard and full confidence in your people and your gifts,



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