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The Most Important Lesson from Angels

Dear Readers, perhaps the Most Important Lesson the Angels teach is Renegade Joy.

It’s a simple rule for living well. Chase your joy! If something doesn’t bring you joy, let it go.

This is true of people, places and homes, jobs and volunteer service, faith community, relationships… everything.

The angels know we are powerfully loyal people and it’s easy for us to settle into routines that bring us comfort and stability. They would much rather we live with less attachment and jump into new projects and relationships with more abandon, following our hearts the whole way.

The reason chasing your joy is so important is because joy fuels your soul, and a well fueled soul gives your gifts more easily and with greater power (love-based power) to the world around you. Sharing your soul’s gifts with the world is the reason for your embodiment. You may never fully understand how your soul is giving to the world, but this doesn’t matter at all. What matters is following your heart and chasing your joy. This is literally the recipe to living a good life.

Two other reasons chasing your joy is so important is because joy will rebalance and heal you and the world around you. Healing has an energetic cost and joy is like fuel in your tank.

Chasing your joy will also guarantee you will encounter the lessons and learning your soul is craving. All souls yearn for growth and healing.

The angels understand many people have lost touch with what brings them joy although they may have known at one time. Other people have yet to experience deep joy in their lives. The angels are always, always working to put opportunities for joy and joyous exploration in front of the people they serve. They can see deeply into who and what we are and often the angels know or at least have an idea of what might lead us to joy. The happy accidents of our lives are not “accidents.” In addition to helping us enter embodiment and release our bodies in death, angels are tasked with guiding us to what might bring us joy.


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