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On Work and Vocation

My name is Juniper, folks. I’m here to give you some angelic guidance on the subject of work and vocation. Whoa, do you people need help in this department! We angels cannot believe how far from your origins you have wandered in recent generations. Let’s dig right in!

First, I will define work the way Sophia sees it. She speaks of work as “love made visible” and attributes this wisdom to Kahlil Gibran. I must look him up! This is an excellent definition of what work is intended to be.

Vocation is a bit different. We angels think of vocation as your soul’s purpose or the activity that best harmonizes with your multiple soul purposes. In the best of circumstances, work and vocation overlap considerably.

Let’s take Sophia as an example. (We know her well.) Sophia is self-employed as a writer, a teacher, and a spiritual director. She makes her love visible in these ways and can you feel it! She radiates joy when she is giving of herself in these ways, even when the tasks are difficult. This is the case with writing and editing, in particular. Not easy work!

Sophia’s vocations include love bearer, speaker of truth and facilitator of healing. These purposes of her soul expand her vocation into a number of volunteer and love-based activities that include caring for children, elders and persons who are dying; cleaning and organizing especially as acts of service to others; spirituality-based community service and various forms of advocacy. Because of her connection and dedication to the angels, Sophia spends significant soul time (while she is sleeping!) speaking to angels on behalf of human beings. She is always urging us to consider new and expanded ways of serving and supporting people. Lots of people actually perform much of their vocation while they are sleeping or otherwise unaware! Cool, right?

If work is love made visible, it stands to reason that everyone is doing what their heart calls them to do. People who love to write are writing. People who love to bake are baking. People who love to explore are exploring…. But wait! This is not what is happening on the earth today, is it?

Sadly, only 13% of the population of your planet is actually doing what they love, or making their love visible most days. A significant number of people, 23%, claim they are doing what they love, but they actually are not. Among this group, some no longer love what they once did, and some among them have not actually discovered what they love to do or have never bothered to explore their interests deeply enough to know.

The remaining 64% of people on the earth are doing work they feel obligated to do for a variety of reasons. Some do what they do out of real need. They live in desperate circumstances and have no other choice. All of these people live in war torn or poverty stricken communities. A significant portion of people work in jobs or tasks they do not love because they feel trapped into continuing an activity for which they receive pay or status they value. Oftentimes, they may have an actual aptitude for the tasks but their heart is not in the work. The remainder are working simply because it passes the time. How sad! It’s all very, very sad!

It’s also not necessary.

Approximately 800 years ago, nearly two thirds of your population was engaged in making their love visible! Oh how things have changed since that time! In those simpler times, people were usually able to spend their childhood exploring different ways of contributing to their family or community. They quite naturally tended to gravitate towards work that brought them joy and peace and a deep sense of satisfaction. There was great support within most communities for helping children identify their gifts and passions.

Yes, it’s true there was exploitation of children and adults in a variety of ways in various communities, but most people found their way to work they loved. Also, as people moved through their lifespan they tended to shift the work they performed in accordance with their changing abilities and interests. In other words, elders moved from very active physical work to finer, more expert work and teaching. Young people did the heavy lifting.

It’s not our intention to idealize a time long past, but we do want to demonstrate how things have changed on your world around work and vocation. What we most want is for people to experience joy in most of the activities of their lives. Since people spend significant time in work and vocation, it makes sense to emphasize the need for change and to support you returning to a world that values love made visible over the accumulation of wealth, status or other ridiculous goals.

We’ve prepared a list of suggestions for those of you who are not yet making your love visible in the world through your work. We also have a list of suggestions for those of you who want to ensure you are fully sharing your soul gifts, or “doing what you came here to do.” Sophia claims many of the people she serves as a chela are burning with a desire to serve fully from their heart and soul. This is so beautiful!!

We have 17 suggestions related to work/making your love visible.

  • Do not confuse work with employment. Sometimes you can have a job and still have “work” you do on the side that may or may not bring income. Angels would like to see the whole human population working for income for approximately 15 to 25 hours/week. The remainder of your lives should be free for other activities. And make no mistake, the abundance of your planet would easily support a short work week for your people if the inequalities of your financial systems were remedied.

  • If you do not know what sorts of activities bring you joy and support you in making your love visible, go back to your childhood for clues. What sort of work did you want to do when you were a child? What sorts of activities brought you the most joy? In what sort of settings did you find the most joy and peace as a child?

  • Do you recognize what it looks like when someone is “making their love visible?” If not, seek out a person or persons who truly love what they do and spend time with them. Interview them and ask them to share their feelings and experiences with you. Be brave as you take in this information. It may bring up powerful feelings of sadness or regret if you’ve been spending much of your time in drudgery.

  • Seek out a life coach, spiritual director, counselor or other wise person to support you in answering the questions, “what do I love to do?” and “how can I make my love visible in the world?”

  • Spend more time around children. They are inherently tuned to listen to their hearts and gravitate toward what they enjoy doing. They are incredible teachers for adults who have lost this sense of spirit.

  • Spend more time around animals. Animals are currently gifting human beings with deep, pre-verbal knowledge around the question of how to live in interconnection. This relates deeply to the question of making your love visible because The World Needs You To Make Your Love Visible!

  • Spend more time in the rain, or in rain-like environments if you live in a dry climate. Water is a symbol for emotion, and emotion is a conduit of deep truth. Drenched with rain, you open yourself to the deeper truths of your own being. Get wet and have fun out there.

  • Create a meditative practice to support yourself in discerning the answer to the question, “how can I make my love visible in the world?” This need not be sitting, although sitting is fine, anything you do or any way of being that supports you in gaining a peaceful, observing mind is good.

Many people are not doing what they love out of fear so the remaining suggestions will focus on supporting people in being courageous, or stepping into their fears.

  • If you have fear around financial security, find inspiring stories of people who have conquered this fear in order to make their love visible and read them often.

  • If you have fear around health and health insurance (this fear is particularly prevalent in the U.S. right now), do some research about your options in case you risk becoming uninsured. Oftentimes you are actually better off with social or governmental insurance these days because the level of exploitation and injustice within the insurance industry is so high. As an added bonus, the angels are strongly in favor of universal, single-payer healthcare so know that if you join the many people in need of these services, you will be well supported spiritually.

  • If you are afraid of failure, look to the many shockingly successful people who are also known for their numerous or significant failures. Use them as inspiration and follow your heart anyway. Do what you love.

  • If you are afraid for your reputation, seek out at least 3 people you know will be good cheerleaders and supporters as you make this life change. Then listen to them and keep them close. Ignore everyone who says anything negative.

  • Know your success in finding and doing what you love will ripple into the rest of your life and improve everything else, your relationships, your health, your peace of mind, your spiritual growth… everything!

  • Choosing to do what you love instead of what society is pressuring you to do is the most pure form of self love. This is literally a responsibility to self. No one can do this for you. You are being called forth.

  • Know you will be gifting the children and the generations of people who follow you by choosing to make your love visible. This world will be made better, healthier and more whole through your actions.

  • Understand the path will not be easy, but the rewards are literally beyond your imagining.

  • Know you will have the support of your entire spiritual support team, angels, ascended masters/spiritual teachers, your ancestors, deceased loved ones and more as you make this change. You will feel this. You will feel our support as if we were wind beneath your wings.

Now, to the many people who are burning with the desire to fulfill their soul or life purposes, we have 23 suggestions.

  • Practice Renegade Joy! This is a literal request to spend as much of your life in activities or with people or in settings that bring you joy. A corollary to this guideline is to discontinue activities, relationships with people, or spending time in places that do not bring you joy. The “renegade” part is about being willing to break with social rules and conventions in order to be more joyful. Easier said than done, we know, but if you truly want to give everything you’ve got, you will dedicate yourself to your own joy without apology.

  • Throw yourself with abandon into your spiritual practices, the ones that bring you deep joy and peace. These practices may or may not be ones you were gifted via your family, religious tradition, or culture. Find spiritual practices that are uniquely yours or modify spiritual practices to make them your own. Then, go there. We will meet you!

  • Work on your communication skills. Everyone on your still young planet needs help in learning to speak, and even think, with respect towards themselves and others. Sophia likes the approach of Marshall Rosenberg, the author of “Nonviolent Communication.” We really like it too, but there may be other ways for you to learn to honor your own feelings/truth while also learning to honor the feelings/truth of others around you. Few skills have as many benefits to the soul as building compassionate and clear communication practices.

  • Plant trees. Yes, we are totally serious. Every tree you plant will be a gift to your whole being, the planet and future generations.

  • Spend more time with animals. See above!

  • Understand and take seriously our suggestion that children are here to teach adults, not necessarily the other way around.

  • Lean into life. Giving the most you can from your soul is not necessarily about being good, holy or wise. It is usually about being willing to get dirty, to take risks, and to confront your assumptions and fears.

  • Spend more time in nature. Cultivate a deep appreciation and wonder for the natural world of which you are a part.

  • Talk to flowers. Flowers are small vortices of connection between the world where angels dwell (and other beings of love and pure consciousness) and the 3-dimension world in which you dwell part time. Flowers are like tiny telephones to the ear of God, if you are theistic, or to The Way or the Heart of the Universe, if you are not.

  • Spend more time around your elders and those who are nearing death. They too have much to teach you. Give them your time, service and attention as they end their lives.

  • Take impeccable care of your body. It is indeed a temple.

  • Make every decision with regard to the possible impacts on future generations.

  • Fall in love again. Yes, have a romance or two!

  • Use your imagination and learn to trust it. Your consciousness is linked to the consciousness of All.

  • Spend lots of time in the water. See above!

  • Sing, dance, play your instruments and make or share music in whatever way you are most called. This is a sacred activity and one that will literally promote the healing of the earth and your species.

  • Nurture your creativity. What human beings create with love will be imbued with consciousness. This is just as true of a lovingly made table or necklace or garden vegetable as it is of the children you procreate with your bodies. Sophia and others with her gift of communication with consciousness know this to be true. The music of Mozart can have a conversation with you even when his works are not being performed. Consciousness is nearly the most commonplace aspect of reality itself. Someday your science will bump into this fact.

  • Be free. Work to remove your attachments to societal and cultural assumptions and beliefs that do not serve you and/or do not serve your people. End your mental and emotional bondage to the old beliefs and ideas that surround you. We highly recommend the allegory film, “The Matrix” by the Wachowskis if you need support for this effort.

  • Create family and community wherever you go.

  • Dedicate time to wonder.

  • Spend more time sleeping and/or entering or rising from sleep if you are a brief sleeper. The states of consciousness when you are entering or leaving sleep are often very productive altered states in which your soul is doing important work. Banish alarm clocks!

  • Be around other people who value this idea of spiritual service.

  • Seek out friends in your mineral kingdom. There are many stones, crystals and rocks of all kinds with incredible gifts to share with human beings with a passion for fulfilling their life or soul purposes.

We’ve come to the end of my work with you, my friends. I hope the ways in which I’ve made my love visible and honored my own vocation support you in your own.


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