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On Trees and The People of the Forest

Hello People of Earth, my name is Ginty, pronounced GIN-tee, with a hard G as in “get,” not a soft one as in “ginger.” I am here to share some wisdom on trees with you. There is so much to learn!

Let’s start by looking at the life cycle of a tree. I suppose you are taught in your high school biology classes that trees are born of fertilized seeds and there is some truth in that fact. But there is so much more to it! Trees are also born of the Breath of Life, a holy wind that blows through the Cosmos and through Time itself. Trees are much more than the biological beings you know and love. They are also multi-dimensional artifacts of Life. I use the word “artifact” to connote the structural integrity of trees in many dimensions. Trees exist in most of the dimensions that exist, some that even I cannot see into. (I am an angel and a bit of a specialist in trees.) This means they have a depth of beingness that surpasses normal understanding. I will try to explain.

When a tree is “born,” another tree serves as its parent in a biological sense but also in a spiritual sense. The tree’s parent or parents, because sometimes they are two or even more, give the new being, their progeny, a key to the Universe. This means the new tree can live simultaneously in more than one place and more than one time and more than one plane and more than one depth and more than one unfolding. And it goes on… Trees are beings of incredible spiritual complexity and beauty. Your species can see and feel this and you have great reverence for trees, yet you lack understanding because you are just now starting to see again in spirit. Many of your First Peoples never lost the gift of spirit sight and they understand trees for what they truly are.

Let me also explain that trees have consciousness. Oh yes! They “think” and “feel” and have other experiences common to beings of consciousness. They experience love and pain. When we angels meet trees in spirit, we perceive them as beautiful effervescent beings of light and love. They are expansive and diffuse, very different from the tight bundles of vibration that represent most beings of consciousness.

Trees communicate in feeling. They are inherently empathic and their wisdom is great. I study with the trees and have studied with them for what your people would consider eons. Yet I have hardly begun to understand how they experience beingness. I love them tremendously and have great faith in their ability as leaders. The trees are here to teach us how to live.

Trees in childhood are a marvel to know. A young tree grows into learning with passion that surpasses anything I have ever known. They pick up every nuance of information in their surroundings and store it, recording it in the tissue of their bodies. On some planets, trees are the historians of time and space and other dimensions the beings of those worlds inhabit. Your brothers and sisters, other Children of Creation, go to the trees and ask them for information and guidance. The trees there respond lovingly and give all they know. Those are wise peoples.

In love, trees are also a joy to behold. Trees love in many ways, depending on the species. Some trees are monogamous and have only one mate in their entire lives. Other trees are poly-amorous and they love everyone around them; sometimes they even love other species of trees and other plants! Sometimes trees have families and clans with much love between them in small groups. Other times trees are global in their reach and their relationships span continents and oceans. In all of these cases, the love between trees is the most amazing, nuanced thing of beauty to witness. It’s difficult to describe but I will say it is heart-melting.

Old trees are perhaps the most significant force for unity in the known Universe. They reach into all dimensions, through time and across space and into the deep folds of existence where other beings dwell and they hold us all together. They do this with love and with communion. Communion is an act of sacrifice in which one being stands forth for another when the other cannot stand for itself. Trees represent your species in communion with the rest of the known Universe because your species has yet to develop the capacity to stand for itself in spirit. And they do this for other young species as well.

Let’s talk a bit about People of the Forest. Your species knows them as Sasquatch or Big Foot. This will arouse some serious curiosity among you, I’m sure! People of the Forest are a species of being that minister to the trees. Like the trees themselves they are multi-dimensional. This is why they are so rarely seen and why you never find their remains or evidence of their passing. People of the Forest have the capacity to travel between dimensions and between worlds at will through the trees. In return for this gift, they ensure the survival of the trees when conditions are difficult or seemingly impossible. They give their very lives to the trees at times and think nothing of it. It is almost as if they are close relatives to the trees, or the embodiment, in being form, of the trees themselves.

People of the Forest are not Children of Creation the way human beings are. They do not exist in the continual perception of separation that Children of Creation experience during life. Instead they exist in union with All That Is. In this way, they are much more like your animal kin on earth. Because the People of the Forest understand themselves as part of the whole, they live in a place of peace and joy and continual service to the trees without question. It is the great why of their existence.

One of the beautiful things about the People of the Forest is their curiosity. They can hardly resist taking a peek at you folks! That is why there are so many stories, encounters and even photographic evidence now of their existence. They are so cute! Their curiosity is like that of the trees themselves, especially the young trees. They yearn to know you and yet they understand you are not yet ready to be known. And that is OK. One day your people will meet the People of the Forest and you will know them as treasures.

Now I would like to talk about how to be in right relationship with the trees that inhabit your planet, and by extension, all trees. Many of your people already know these principles of love and action, but I will list what I know nonetheless for the new students among you. I know Sophia considers herself a new student to the trees!

First and most importantly, trees respond powerfully to Love. This business about tree hugging ought to be taken more seriously because trees love to be loved! Love is as important to a tree as water, sunshine, fresh air and good soil. Most trees would tell you the latter are optional but love is not. Whatever it is that you love about the trees, bring it forth and share it with them and with one another. You will be richly rewarded with the healing of your beautiful forests.

Next, let’s talk a bit about water. The water on your planet is not healthy at this time. It is carrying a load of chemical waste always and everywhere. This prevents the water from feeling joy, its natural state of being. Joy is important to the trees and feeds them as much as the molecule of liquid. Restore your waters and your trees will thrive.

Trees also need animals. There are thousands upon thousands of species of animals on your planet and the vast majority of them are in deep relationship with your trees. Work to save your remaining animals so your trees will live.

Trees also need space. It is entirely possible to meet the needs of your people for cultivation while also allowing plenty of space for the forests and wild lands. The simple answer is to focus on transitioning your people to a plant-based diet. Many species of being have evolved as omnivores like yourselves and transitioned to eating plants as they have grown to understand the spiritual nature of animals and trees. Plants, unlike animals and unlike trees, love to be eaten! It is their way and their purpose. In being consumed by people, or even caterpillars, plants experience an adventure in change and metamorphosis that rivals the most exciting of your novels. Eat plants and change the way you use the land.

Clean, fresh air is another need of trees. Human beings can provide them with this by looking to the sun to meet your needs for energy. It’s pretty simple!

Yet another way to be in right relationship with the trees is to gift them your bodies when you die. After a person dies, simply bury them deeply in the land and plant a tree above their body. The tree will feed off the remains of the body in ways that far surpass the biology of the event, although the trees can also prevent the passage of pathogens from a dead body into the waterway or land. A deceased human body contains a wealth of information about the person’s life. As historians, the trees will lift this information into their own bodies and beingness, creating a mixing of your species.

Trees also love children. We angels would recommend sending your children outdoors and into the trees and forests to play more often. Your trees and your children will all thrive as a result.

Another way to support trees is through their active cultivation. There are those among you with expertise in planting and nurturing trees. This is the time to invest all the time and energy you have into planting and raising trees.

Trees also benefit from receiving gifts. These gifts can be physical, such as a good watering or an offering of fertilizer, or they can be spiritual, such as a prayer, a blessing, or an invitation to participate in a ceremony or a healing. Trees also receive gifts of emotion and gifts of thought and feeling. All you need do is set the intention and take action.

You can save the trees of your beautiful planet by praying for them. Pray for your forests and know your prayers will be heard by others of your species and by your spiritual supporters, including the People of the Forest. Through your prayers the trees and the forests can be restored and they can thrive.

Finally, understand that the fate of your species lies with the fate of the trees on your planet. You cannot continue to live on this planet without them and for more reasons than because they gift you with breathable air. Trees are the cornerstone of all life on your planet. Guard them with your lives and treasure them as your family.

Before you move on to the next chapter, allow me to share some of the most important lessons I have learned from the trees during my many years of study with them.

“You, as a Child of God, are here to lift all life into flourishing. There is nothing to fear. Step into the wonder and beauty of the living world around you and know peace.”


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