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On Spirituality

Hello Planet Earth. My name is Bridgette. I represent 42 angels speaking from the heart to your people. We’re going to talk about spirituality.

Our goal with this chapter is to put in plain language some basic truths about what is real and the nature of being human. We also have suggestions for putting this knowledge into practice in ways that will reap immediate benefit for the readers of this book.

All angels have experienced life embodied. We understand how confusing it is to experience existence as a separate individual. There is disorientation, a deep sense of aloneness, longing for connection and often, pain. There are also moments of joy, togetherness, and freedom. These last three experiences, joy, togetherness and freedom, are the reason for embodiment.

In the place between lifetimes, souls dwell in awareness of interconnection. While still separate individuals, souls blend with one another and with All That Is. This is a beautiful respite from living, but there remains a longing for life too. As Children of God/Love, you crave the tests and trials that living brings. You wish to grow! Life has a way of stretching us that feels good to our souls and so we return again and again to our home planets and to our people.

Joy is a lesson of great importance for without joy, there would not be love. Joy is not a given in life. Joy must be discovered, cultivated, brought forth and created.

Togetherness is another lesson. Coming together in partnership, family, and community is not a given in life. Togetherness must be sought, worked for lovingly, committed to, and preserved.

Freedom is perhaps the greatest lesson of all. Everything exists because of freedom. The universe exists because Love made a choice to be. As Children of Love, you make the same choice each time you are conceived. In the image of love, you live fully aware of your being, yet unaware of your connection to others and All That Is. Your existence is the manifestation of Love searching, growing and choosing over and over again.

It is not our intention to establish or preach theology or metaphysics. We are great fans of One Truth, Many Paths, and we are not great fans of spoken language. Words are very small boxes for big truth. No words are fully adequate to explain truth we understand more fully through feeling and through numbers.

Your religions and philosophical traditions are all beautiful to us because they represent the desire of your people to learn and grow. There are nuances of truth tucked in and among these traditions that are breathtakingly beautiful. Many traditional practices give great peace, solace and direction to people searching.

You have also reached a time when the needs of souls are not easily met through the many traditions of your people. Souls around the world are crying out for new ways to understand themselves, understand life, their reason for being, and how to move forward.

Our mission as angels is to guide and protect people while honoring your free will. We support your growth and your sharing of soul gifts. We offer the following suggestions towards those ends.

First, consider what brings you joy. Joy is not a destination; it is a way of being. When you choose to spend time in activity that brings you joy, surrounded by people whose company you enjoy, in a setting you find enjoyable, your whole spirit is lifted. At these times, the gifts you have to share in spirit and the whole of your person is transformed into the brightest of lights!

We angels are serious about encouraging people to practice Renegade Joy. It is not an easy practice. Renegade Joy requires real discipline and commitment. It begins with an honest inventory of what does and what does not bring you joy. Inventories are needed for activities, people and settings in your life. If you cannot answer the question of what brings you joy, your work will be more difficult, but it is very do-able. You have a heart to guide you. Use it and trust it.

Once you have identified the activities, people and settings of your joy, you may have some work to do in changing your life to align with joy. Are you being called to leave a job that brings you good income and status in exchange for a host of unknowns around following your joy? This takes tremendous courage! Are you being called to leave a partnership that no longer consists of joy? Again, there is tremendous courage required to make these changes. You don’t have to do these things, but if you are reading this book and want to know how to really live, following your joy is the first and most important step.

After joy, we would ask you to focus all your attention on togetherness. How can you contribute to partnership, family and community? Togetherness is not a destination; it is a way of being. At the root of this way is peace. Learning to live in peace and to cultivate peace wherever you are is truly an art form.

There are many thousands of ways to reinforce the illusion of separation. Stepping into the truth of our interconnection is much more challenging. For many eons, your people believed being “good” was the key to living in peace. We angels would recommend honesty, acceptance and forgiveness instead.

Peace begins with honesty, acceptance and forgiveness of self. Practicing Renegade Joy takes courage, so too the path of peace. Be ready to step into your fear over and over again.

Peace is the way of togetherness, but what if you are at war with yourself? You cannot truly give to others what you have not yet given yourself although you might try. Many people honor and serve others in the name of being “good” while being dishonest with and rejecting towards themselves. This way of being is very draining to your life force. Often anger is generated as your soul calls out for justice. Your soul says, “Why are you treating me so badly and holding all these others up? I too am worthy of respect and nurturing.” And your soul is right. You are worthy.

Learning to be honest with yourself and to accept and forgive yourself for the ways you believe yourself to be flawed are challenging tasks. We have two recommendations for you.

First, find or create a mind/body/spirit practice that is a good fit with your person. Yoga, Tai Chi and Qui Gong are excellent examples of these holistic practices. You might choose a practice that entails meditation, running and prayer if it is a better fit. Song, swimming and breath work would be another synergistic combination of activities for some. Let your joy guide you.

Next, seek out teachers, mentors, or elders who can support you in becoming honest, accepting and forgiving of self. Often we benefit from having a person in our lives that challenges us, loves us and holds us accountable to ourselves when the path is difficult. Listen to your heart for joy when you are with this person. Does this person bring you joy and lift you up to be with them? If not, they are probably not the best guide for your work. Seek another. Your angels will help you find a person that is a good fit for you.

Once you have started the work of creating peace within yourself, you can set your intentions to creating greater peace within your other relationships. Again, we have two recommendations for you.

Cultivate an attitude of compassion, or a compassionate presence. This is the first task. Then, share your compassion through communication. This is the second task.

Almost everyone is doing the best they can in life. Can you extend the honesty, acceptance and forgiveness to others you have given to yourself? Can you find ways of sharing these gifts with your words, your nonverbal behaviors and your respectful touch?

When you withhold the truth from others, separation is nearly inevitable. Intimacy, the closest form of togetherness, is based on deep truth and the challenging work of honest communication.

Learn to recognize the difference between your thinking and your feelings, and communicate the latter. Your feelings contain the important truths to be shared in a relationship, for better or worse. Can you then support others in sharing their feelings with you? Can you extend acceptance to their feelings without holding a judgment?

When someone is different from you, can you accept them? Accepting differences is a lifelong pursuit for most people. Make it yours. Embrace the strange and the stranger at your door too.

Can you forgive a person for hurting you or another, either unintentionally or intentionally? Find models of forgiveness in your life and adopt their ways as your own. You will be blessed a thousand-fold each time you forgive.

Again, if you have done the work of learning honesty, acceptance and forgiveness of self, extending these gifts to others will be much easier and more natural feeling. You will know your fellow humans as brothers and sisters. You heart will be soft and open. You will risk being vulnerable. Togetherness in partnerships, family and community will be yours as you walk the path of peace.

With joy in your life, peace in your heart, and surrounded by partners, family and community, you can seek true freedom.

What does this mean, freedom?

Generally, angels think of freedom as living without fear, both conscious and unconscious fear. Fear is not necessary and it is a tremendous hindrance to being who you were born to be and sharing your gifts fully.

There are five ways to shed the fear you may carry. Once you are truly free of fear all of life will be a joyous adventure. Even those moments when you are faced with loss or sadness will be transformed into gifts.

This may be the most valuable advice shared in this book.

The first way to release fear is to step into the fears you recognize. If you haven’t been able to motivate yourself to step into fear for your own joy, or to live in peace and togetherness, step into fear in order to be free. Each time you do what your heart calls you to do and you are afraid, but you do it anyway, your fears shrink a little. If you pledge to do something scary but affirming every day, in a short time the shackles of fear will be loose and dangling. Then one day, they will simply fall off!

Another way to be free of fear is to study and emulate the many people of courage who have lived on your planet. Which of the heroes of your world calls to your heart? What were they afraid of and what did they do in the face of their fears? Take this model and make it your own. Live as your hero lived and be free.

Our third recommendation for shedding fear is to address the healing you see is needed in your body, your mind, your soul, your life, your partnerships, your family, your community or your world. Healing is, by definition, a courageous act. It always requires change and it always requires a person to step into their fears, usually repeatedly! It is very true that when you heal yourself, you also heal the world. Healing is also a path to freedom.

Freedom can also come from dedication to your vocation. If you know the calling of your heart and soul and give yourself over to it without reservation, freedom is often the result. This may seem strange because we are suggesting you make a commitment to yourself. Most people think of commitment as a form of binding promise and binding is not usually associated with freedom. There is paradox here, yes, but there is also deep truth. Ask those who have pledged to follow the deepest calling of their heart and soul. Ask them if they experienced freedom as a result and what it feels like.

Finally, freedom can be achieved through spiritual service. Seek a path of service that is a good fit for your person and your gifts. There must be joy and peace in the service you offer. Service offered in the expectation of reward will not support you in achieving freedom. But there is a place inside each soul that can feel the need for their particular spiritual gifts. This might be prayer, or caring for the children or the dying. It might be service to the trees or the animals or soil. It might be activism or teaching. Like healing and vocation, a calling to serve in spirit is something all people carry. With intention and action, this wisdom of self can be brought to awareness.

Know that we angels are here to guide, protect and serve you. If you make a request to us for help with anything related to your spiritual growth or the sharing of your spiritual gifts, we will be there to help in any and every way possible. This is our promise.


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