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On Sexuality

Hello people of the world! My name is Frieda and I am going to share some lessons on sacred sexuality, the gift of intimacy shared by our Creator. I come from a people with a strong and deep understanding of the role of sexuality in life and growth. I hope what I share is helpful to you. We angels have witnessed the confusion and pain around sexuality many of you experience. Some changes around sexuality will support healin

Sex in any form is actually a form of bonding between two embodied light beings. As such, it carries extraordinary importance and gravity. People who say, “there is no such thing as casual sex” are actually more correct than they can imagine. Sexual acts shared between any two or more people carry tremendous implications for the people involved.

It is a bit difficult to explain, on a soul level, what happens to people involved in the sharing of sexual energy. I will ask you to use your imaginations a bit and I will attempt to describe what we perceive as angels.

First of all, it is important to realize that angels do not “watch” sexual acts. We do not have eyes and we have different gifts of perception as beings of pure consciousness. We do, however, recognize the sharing of sexual energy and we definitely witness the resulting shifts in people who have experienced sexual sharing.

I will begin with what we angels witness when sexual activity is not consensual. You use words like abuse, rape, incest, and molestation to describe this kind of offense against another person. In all these cases, the person who is being acted upon, forced, coerced or tortured bleeds life force energy as a result of the harm being done. Oftentimes this loss or bleeding of life force energy continues for many days, months, years and sometimes it continues until the end of the person’s life.

If you imagine yourselves as light beings encased in your beautiful bodies, it is as if someone tears holes in your personhood and you can no longer hold onto the life energy that is your birthright. It is the saddest thing you can imagine witnessing. Would you believe that fully 72% of your population has experienced some form of sexual abuse or victimization? This is what we angels know to be true.

I would like to describe the effects of at least three other kinds of sexual interactions besides sexual violence.

Sometimes people have sexual activity as a form of business. This occurs when money is transacted in exchange for sexual favors and it also happens in some marriages. There are actually many nuanced forms of sexual activity as a business transaction.

What we angels witness when this kind of sexual activity takes place is a darkening around the persons involved. It is almost as if the light of their beings are dimmed through the exchange. Sometimes people regain their former brightness, but sadly, if they continue to participate in sexuality as a business exchange, they often do not.

Another form of sexual sharing is based on pleasure seeking or even sport. Like sexual activity as a business, sexual sharing for pleasure or sport also dims the light of the person engaged in these activities. In a way that is similar to sexual exchanges in business, sexual sharing for pleasure or sport is often based on the perception of the other person involved as an object. Too often the people involved do not have the respect and love for one another to share their bodies in a deeply intimate way.

Sometimes people participate in sexual activity out of a sense of duty or obligation. Again, like people engaged in business, pleasure or sport based sexual sharing, people engaging in sex as duty experience a dimming of their light.

In contrast, people who engage in sexual activity out of a sense of love for the other person or persons involved appear very different to the angels. People involved in loving sexual activity of any kind appear to be full of rainbow light. They often throw off great arcs of sparks too! It is a beautiful thing to witness and something common to literally all human beings regardless of age, gender orientation, sexual orientation, number of partners involved, or kind of sexual activity. It is the mutual love between people that is the necessary condition for this result.

This is equally true of people engaged in self loving. When people enjoy the sexuality of their bodies without a partner, as long as they are doing so with love, they will affect a beautiful rainbow and sparking. Sadly, not everyone loves themselves when they experience sexuality on their own. Far too many feel great shame or sadness in their bodies.

We angels are not here to preach morality or add more confusion to the misinformation around sexuality that already exists. What we want to do is support people in bringing deep love and respect into each and every sexual experience in their lives, from childhood until old age. In so doing, you will be raising the consciousness of the whole of your people.

Here are some practical ways to bring deep love and respect into your sexual activities.

  • Teach children from the time they are babies that all people are sexual people and that sexual feelings are normal and healthy.

  • Teach children that sexuality is usually private because 1. it is sometimes shared between people who love and respect each other deeply and 2. being sexual among others can be seen as an invitation to sexual sharing. Children can be encouraged to enjoy their sexuality and their bodies while also being taught that they are not expected to make invitations to others for sexual sharing until they are sexually and emotionally mature.

  • Give children and all people time and privacy for sexual expression.

  • Bring sexuality into everyday conversation in a respectful, loving, light-hearted way. When sexuality is relegated to a topic that cannot be discussed, people experience shame around it. This is an environment where sexual abuse and violence thrives.

  • Teach children and all people to talk about love, respect and sexuality. There is a vocabulary of love and respect being born among your peoples today. Expand this vocabulary and these ways of speaking until you have an entire language of love, respect and sexuality.

  • Be tolerant and accepting of sexual differences among your peoples. Sexuality is part of being human to the same degree eating and eliminating are part of being human. There are no spiritual rules or standards around sexual behaviors except a calling from within your people for all sexual activity to revolve around love and respect.

  • Be kind and understanding to people who have not yet learned to love or respect. Be kind and understanding to people who have experienced sexual abuse, both victims and perpetrators, and be kind and understanding to people engaged in sexual activity for business, pleasure/sport or duty. It does not help to punish or further shame these people.

  • Bring more sexual differences to light and emphasize the many ways people can share sexuality in loving and respectful ways.

  • Celebrate sexuality in loving and respectful ways. There are many ways to do so!

Our hope and prayer for humanity is a birth of awareness around the preciousness of sexuality as a spiritual gift each of you carries.


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