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On Man-Humanity and the Masculine Divine

My name is Fredrick and I am here to share what I know about a very important topic related to The Change We Need. I will call it man-humanity. The best way to define this topic is to overlay the idea of the Divine Masculine with the deep embodied humanity of male persons. This includes all persons to some degree. It certainly includes men who are born in the body of a woman, but even the most feminine woman would also be included. Each of you carries a segment of the Masculine Divine blueprint in your persons, both in your physical bodies and also within your souls.

Let’s begin with examining how the Masculine Divine has manifested in your world over the last several centuries. It’s sometimes difficult to make generalizations because there are so many unique peoples on your planet. Such incredible and beautiful diversity!! God delights in living through so many peoples.

However, for this book, which is designed to reach out to all the people of the world, we will focus on the dominant paradigm of the masculine. Forgive me for ways in which my generalizations do not apply to certain traditions, groups or individuals. We see you all, and especially those of you who are forging new traditions or bravely, in steadfast ways, holding onto the life bearing traditions of the past.

First and foremost, the Masculine Divine is about power, and all power in the universe emanates from love. You know this. You can feel the truth of it, no? In many ways, the Masculine Divine is about lifting humankind to the heights of who you can be, the best you can be as children of God. Jesus is a wonderful example of this. His power of love was/is incredible and world-shaping.

Next, it’s important to recognize that with this power of love also comes control. Power uncontrolled is chaotic and this is an attribute of the Feminine Divine. Power controlled is part of the Masculine Divine. Science is a great example of control. Through the scientific method information is gathered, vetted, and accumulated over time. The process involves prediction and control and the creation of technologies. We angels stand in dismay at the extraordinary tools you’ve created through the careful (and sometimes not so careful) application of science. There are whole peoples in the universe who do not have science or anything resembling it. You are masters of science and masters of control and prediction.

Next we can consider movement an aspect of the Masculine Divine. I will contrast this with standing, which is an aspect of the Feminine Divine, along with receptivity. One of the best ways to see movement manifest in your world is through the Olympic Games. At the games, we witness thousands of people gathering to celebrate a wide variety of ways in which people move their bodies. Many of these movements, sports and games, are tied to critical skills for the survival of your species. Think of running and swimming and skiing. Think of archery and the incredible grace and power in movement of gymnastics. I don’t know what to say about curling! (I am teasing… I know curling has a tradition as noble as any other Olympic sport.)

The fourth and final aspect of the Masculine Divine to understand is freedom. Freedom may seem to oppose control and in some ways it does, but these factors also complement each other. Laws that guarantee human rights are an excellent example of freedom and control in complementary relationship. A good way to consider freedom itself is through your exploration of space. Can you imagine a more freeing feeling than leaving the confines of gravity? What a thrill!

Your travels in space also represent all four aspects of the Masculine Divine, the power of love that brought you together as nations to achieve spaceflight, the application of control through science, the movement of your people into space, and finally, the achievement of freedom from earth-bound limits.

Using these four aspects of the Masculine Divine, I would like to share some angelic recommendations for man-humanity. These recommendations are intimately tied to The Change We Need because they relate to how each person can focus and step more deeply into the Divine Masculine that is their birthright. There are 23 recommendations.

1. Bring the fruits of your soul to the forefront of your person.

What do I mean by “fruits of the soul?” Fruits of your soul are the aspects of your person where your love, passion and joy dwell. When you are excited and filled with joy at the prospect of doing a thing, you are face to face with the fruit of your soul. Focus all of your time, energy and will here. Follow your heart, your gut, your spirit and your whole person will take flight. There is power here, a pure power of God’s love flowing through you. It will transform your world to a paradise.

2. Try your best to ignore what you perceive as “evil.”

There is such thing as productive conflict. Often people disagree about a way or a destination. People of good faith in community have much to gain by working through conflict with sincere hearts, open minds and respectful communication. This is not the case when a person or persons are dedicated to ideas of separation.

You know we angels accept your interconnection with one another, with all life, with us and with all that is. This is a foundational truth. Our connection, the connection of all that exists, is reality.

There are people who speak and live the lie of separation. They believe somehow they can take what they want regardless of the cost to others and claim victory. These people cannot be reasoned with. They are lost to the community and yet they often hold positions of power.

I know it might offend some of you that we are asking you to ignore these people. We don’t mean to suggest you should relinquish power to them or let them have their way, no. There are times when it is necessary to stand together and assert your claim to your rights or to protect the vulnerable among you. Yes, we understand that.

At the same time, the most effective strategy for moving beyond the lies of separation is to focus on your interconnection, on what is real and true, on the love within your hearts that is your divine gift of beingness from God. When you are focused on what is true and real, there is little time left over for fear, horror, disgust or even the confusion that emanates from people dedicated to the lie.

And when you ignore them… Ah, the beauty of what happens next! They fade and fade until they are just small, sad things, still beloved by God, yes. Each and every one you are children of God, no exceptions. But there is no reason to fear or to fight evil. You have the capacity to invalidate it, make it irrelevant. Do this instead.

3. Buy what you need from people in your local community who provide these items.

We angels have been watching this movement known as globalization with something akin to horror, I will confess. There is so much to be gained by knowing your neighbors, by knowing the people who grow your food (and helping them when they need extra hands!), by supporting your local craftspeople and repair people, makers and artists and more.

There is a revolution of community underway around the world today and it will continue. There are benefits to experiencing yourselves as a people of one-world, but the costs of losing connection with the people in your neighborhoods and towns is tremendously high. This is an admonition and an endorsement of Think Global, Act Local. Yes, measure your actions by taking into consideration your impact on the whole of the world and the life it contains. And yes, focus on building connections and real community wherever you may be. See your neighbors as your brothers and sisters and never stop asking yourselves, “what I can I do today to support my neighbors?”

4. Sing! And sing some more!

There was a time when your people lifted their voices in song for everything they did. No excuse was too small. There were songs for everything and everyone sang. Singing happened from birth to death. Song erupted in markets, in the fields, on the roads, in the nurseries, and everywhere in between.

Bring this back! Brave souls among you are called to start singing again in the unexpected places and times… while waiting in lines or queues, while walking down the street, in doctors’ offices, in submarines. The singing will catch on and there is such joy and wonderment waiting for you when it does. Your people will laugh and cry at what they discover.

5. Try to be friends with everyone you know.

This recommendation is about kindness, respect and keeping your mind open to other ways of being and doing. Maybe it seems a bit trite given how often the golden rule is cited and restated in various formulations. As you might imagine, we angels don’t find it trite.

We know this requires work on your part. We know this. It is far easier to simply ignore some people who are annoying for whatever reason. Maybe they stand too close to you, or their breath is bad, or they use language you find offensive. There are thousands of reasons why one person might not find another person appealing. Yet you are all brothers and sisters and you cannot transform your world without including each and every person on the planet in the process.

I can hear you already… “But you just asked us to IGNORE people dedicated to the lie of separation! Now you are asking us to befriend everyone. What gives?”

This is where the work comes in… Sometimes you will have to discern whether a person is speaking or acting out of separation and if so, it will be best to ignore them, ignore their speech or their actions. But can you not also befriend them? Yes, you can. Maybe they will not be a close friend, a person trusted and allowed deeply into your heart, but you can still treat them with respect and kindness. Every human being is worthy of respect. Worthy.

6. Plant trees and then plant more trees.

When you are old and tired, continue planting trees and support those with greater energy in continuing to plant still more trees. Plant trees of every kind that are local to your area. Do not plant them for harvest. Plant them to stand and live long lives.

Trees have consciousness and they have incredible spiritual gifts to share with the other life forms on your earth. Everyone needs them. They are, in some ways, the foundation of life on your planet. Maybe you would call them a linchpin too. Without trees, nothing can thrive. The whole of your biosphere would collapse. With trees, everything, literally everything is possible. All healing, all recovery can come from the support of trees.

7. Wonder out loud about the nature of God/Spirit/the Divine.

The angels understand there are as many ways to understand the holiness within and beyond you as there are people on the planet. Explore how you experience this force of love and light with one another. Accept and listen deeply to the ways other people know Spirit. Touch that of the Divine in other people and know it is real.

8. Be joyful when death comes.

Death is such an exciting transition, a time for completion of a life adventure and a time when rest and reflection begin. It is also a time of celebration among spirits, beings of pure consciousness. And this you will become again.

You will be invited to a great party in your honor when you die. Please accept the invitation! Tap into the joy of the love you experienced in your lifetime. There will be plenty of time to weigh the value of what you gave and what you might have given. Death is a time of reunion too with those who have gone before you. Understand that any conflict will have melted away during your release from life. There is only peace here with the angels. Please accept our invitations and come with joy, knowing you are accepted and loved without condition, without exception.

9. Dance in the streets.

There is something about dancing that sets souls to flight. Just as you are being asked to sing again, you are also being asked to restore your traditions and invent ones too, for dance.

We know you cannot see what happens when a person dances. It is invisible to all but a select few with a particular gift of spiritual sight. What it looks like is a marvel to behold!

First, the dancer begins to pulse with bright light in rhythm with their pulse, the beating of their heart. Then the light begins to expand. In many cases the light expands to fill the room or space in which the dancing occurs. But oh, on the streets or in the open fields, another sort of phenomenon occurs with this expanding light.

Out of doors the expanding light continues to grow in size, flowing out in every direction, waning maybe a bit between songs or when a person stops to laugh or have a bite of refreshment, some cool water. The light expands again when the person returns to their dancing and then the heavens above, the light of consciousness of the stars, the moon, your sun and every other heavenly body begin to watch. They see you dancing!

How do we angels know this? Because what happens next is too cute, too precious to even imagine… The heavens begin to dance along with you! Their light joins with yours and begins to move in precise rhythm with your own! This is the depth of your interconnection. The very heavens dance with you, children of God. And they revel in the dancing. Their light is pure love and it moves with you as you move. So dance more and dance out of doors, dance with the heavens and know you are loved and treasured as children of love and light.

10. Bring more of your lives out of doors.

For many people around this world, this is not a change they need. There are still people who spend most of their days outside, out of homes and buildings. This is a profoundly good thing!

For the rest of you, listen and read well. Your lives will improve exponentially in terms of health and joy as you spend time in nature or even on your patio or outside porch. We know this is not always easy for people who live in climates considered hostile. Yet we also know peoples have always chosen to live among the harsh conditions of weather and they have generally spent much more time out of doors in these places than they do today. There has been a vast migration to the inside and it must be reversed for your people to thrive. This is a Very Important Change We Need.

11. Play more.

Like spending time out of doors, this suggestion is self evident to most people, but few truly understand the transformative power of play. And of course, everyone has different ideas of what constitutes fun!

We angels are going to give you some tips on how to make the most of play and how to re-engage in play in ways that are life-affirming and soulful. Here are 15 tips…

  • Play cannot include a serious risk or likelihood of harm to those participating. Boxing and American-style football, among other inherently dangerous games and sports, need to be retired or somehow redesigned. Lots of play involves certain risks to the body, but certain kinds of play are based on violent contact. This almost guarantees harm. You are children of God and getting hurt while playing is unacceptable.

  • Ideally play will happen out-of-doors. We have watched as more and more kinds of play, like ice-skating and gymnastics, have moved indoors under fluorescent lighting as the need for control or greater predictability of conditions has dominated play. We will help you return these forms of play to safe outdoor environments over time.

  • Play can be intergenerational. There has been such segregation according to age in your modern world. There is so much to be gained by returning to a mixing of age groups. Hilarity will ensue! The fun will be expanded a thousand-fold when young people and old people and people of every stage of life join in play.

  • Play is a sacred time. Play needs to be elevated and honored, rather than thought of as an “extra” or worse, something done by fools or only the young.

  • Play can happen with your animal friends. Don’t forget this! Animals love to play and will help you to reconnect with your deep desire and need for play in your lives.

  • Women need extra support in playing. Angels have noticed that in many cultures women are less likely to engage in play than men. This is not OK. Everyone needs play.

  • Play is also something the angels enjoy and we can help you find your way back to play. If you have forgotten how to enjoy playing or don’t know where to begin, ask us for help and we will show you the way. Then when you begin to step back into play, we will join you.

  • From the earliest days of humankind, play was used as a way to resolve conflicts peacefully and with respect for people and property. So many of the conflicts you have now on your planet could be resolved creatively and peacefully through play.

  • Play comes from the heart. It is never a good idea to pressure or force another person to participate in a kind of play that doesn’t resonate with them.

  • Time for play ought to consist of a third of your waking hours in the opinions of your angels.

  • Be open to trying new ways of playing. There are so many ways to play and you never know when you’ll discover a new favorite.

  • Love those who play with you, especially those who are playing “against” you. Without them, you could not play certain games or enjoy certain forms of sport.

  • Rest easy, we do not recommend pulling the plug on the high tech computer-based games that are proliferating around the world today. Instead, we would ask you to take these games out-of-doors and enjoy them more and more often in the company of other players. Isolation and time indoors is not healthy for the vast majority of people. There will come a time when computer games will be enjoyed by people surrounded by the forest or a field of flowers in the company of many friends.

  • Remember that sex is a form of play for most people and honor it as such.

  • Make “having fun” a sacred pursuit in your lives and the lives of those around you. In so doing you will be restoring the cornerstone of your humanity.

12. Begin to stretch your imaginations to the stars.

This recommendation is based on your relationship with the stars and heavenly bodies. I shared some of how that relationship works when I described dancing in view of the heavens. There is so much more to this connection though… It is not our place to reveal all these wonders and marvels to you. Instead, we invite you to sink deeply into your imaginations and the deep knowledge of your souls to rediscover this gift of being human.

13. Remember who you are.

As children of God, each and every one of you has spiritual super powers. You are just now awakening to these gifts in most cases. Some few among you have been using your spiritual gifts for some time, but now they are blooming in new and fantastic ways. All of you are filled with surprise and wonder.

You should be!! You are made in the pattern of The Maker, He/She of the Godhead. You are wondrous creatures all.

Know this: When you think it is “just your imagination,” it is and it isn’t. Your imagination is a window into the Mind of God. Do not dismiss the fantastic or the impossible as it flows through your being. Your imagination, once unfettered, will run wild with glee and as it does, miracles will happen in your wake.

This power, these powers knit into your person, remember they are born of love and remember the responsibility that comes with them. You are part of the All. We need you to be who you were born to be. Step into that place, that way of being. Do not be afraid.

14. Call to the animals.

Some of you have already begun this task. It is very important. The animals are here as your companions and guides of Spirit. Call to them. Ask them to step forward and share their gifts and their wisdom with you. Then when the wisdom arrives, follow it. Do not hesitate.

15. Be brave in the face of change.

You have entered a time when your rules and expectations for how things are and how things should be will be challenged. Soon they will utterly disintegrate. This is good, and by good I mean the disintegration of rules and expectations is in the service of love and divine order. It is also necessary. Dwelling in separation has a tremendously high cost. You are witnessing the cost in the breakdown of people, joy, and systems around the world.

There is another way of being that is opening to you now. Living in conscious awareness of your connection to the life and existence around you is The Way. You are surrounded by angels and beings of light and love of every imaginable gift and skill. You are not alone and never will be. Have faith and carry on. What awaits you is adventure.

16. Time is of no consequence.

We understand human beings perceive time as a linear phenomenon. In fact, there is an aspect of time that is linear, but that is not the whole of this dimension. Some among you, we call you Time Walkers, are now perceiving the truth of time in its fullness. They are working to share their knowledge widely so you might be unchained from the perception of linearity.

Time Walkers continue your work knowing you are supported now and always. For the rest of you, seek out this wisdom, step into it and embrace it. It will change everything you know to be true and yet it will also set you free to be who you are as children of God.

17. Life is hallowed ground.

All life is created from the workings of Love, birthed in the womb of our Cosmic Mother, designed by our Holy Father. All life.

We would ask your species to stop all manipulation of the genetic workings of life. We know this seems like a drastic request to those of you who marvel at the beauty of DNA and feel yourselves within the grasp of tremendous benefit through these activities. We understand this.

Still, we would ask you to be still and listen deeply to the workings of your own heart on this matter. The truth of what we are saying, the sacred nature of your informational code and that of all life, is literally encoded into your being. It says to you in a whisper so quiet and yet so thunderous, “Be Still and Know That I Am.”

18. Break free of the lies of warfare.

Here too there is a message encoded into your very being. You know taking life is unacceptable somehow. You know it.

If you are connected to the being, the person, you aim to kill, what are the consequences to you, and to the larger world in which you live? They are unimaginably grave. That is our message as angels. Each one of you, no matter who you are, how you live, where you live, each of you has a sacred purpose. Without you, the world is less, impoverished, smaller and lacking.

War cannot be won. Everyone loses in war. You know this now. These are lessons you’ve learned and learned well over the last millennia. Now is the time to dedicate your spirits to finding new ways to resolve conflict.

Conflict, even very serious conflict, has so many benefits for you as children of God. We want to share what we see and know with you in this regard.

Conflict is like the flow of two rivers that join into one. One river might be clear and cold, running fast and taking many rocks and much earth into her waters to carry them forth in floods and the creation of new land. Another river might be shallow and slow, meandering in sweet sunshine, nourishing countless life forms and weaving the lands into low valleys. When the rivers meet, what happens?

The first river, the one that was clear and cold, now she feels the pull of slow moving water, warm and lazy, mixing with her own flow. It does not feel comfortable! “I have A Way!” the clear and cold river says. “I want my way to return. I want peace and comfort and the clarity of my own water.” The second river, the one that was shallow and slow, she too feels affronted by the mixing of their waters. “What is this coldness? Why so swift?” she asks.

The rivers are in conflict, their ways, the ways they know and love, are disrupted. There is no peace. But there are miracles unfolding in the mixing of those waters.

After a time, the first river begins to feel something new. It is an exciting something, something she had always longed for, yet she wasn’t aware anything was missing in Her Way. She begins to feel an excitement, a sense of synergy, of destiny in the place where her waters mix with that of the shallow and slow river. It feels as if something is birthing in that place. The sense of it is tenacious but also it ebbs and flows with the rains and the hot sun.

The second river also begins to move into a new understanding. There is something deeply true speaking within her pools, a sense of completion maybe? A sense that she is capable of more than she ever imagined? She knows Her Way is beautiful and life sustaining. How could there be more? She puzzles over this question in the quiet places.

Still more time passes and the two rivers merge into a lake. Their waters spread and fill a valley where beavers have been building an impressive dam over the warm summer months. Miracles spawn in the lake. Fish and birds and salamanders find homes and food there. Children push their toes into the mud where the reeds are soft. Dragonflies come and bring rainbows on their wings. Creatures of nature sigh in happiness and fullness at the calm, bountiful water.

Now the rivers can feel the beauty of their coming together, for that is what has happened. What was at first perceived as conflict was actually a wedding, a joining in the intimate dance of God’s weaving. They see one another in the fullness of God’s love and they become something altogether more and greater than either one had ever imagined.

Every conflict you face, whether between individuals or nations, has the same purpose, the same possibilities within. Seek the path of peace and be true to it. Your unions will be blessed beyond imagining and your capacity for renewing the face of the earth will ever grow.

19. Today is the only day that matters; live this.

When will you ever have the opportunity to do the things your heart is calling you to do? You have it TODAY! Put down the drudgery, the rote tasks, the chores, the TO DO list. Tell your boss you are taking the day off. Seriously, do it now. Spend the next day leaning into your dreams. This is the place where life happens. Ah, the beauty of it.

You truly need so little to survive. You need a minimum of shelter, some regular healthy, lovingly nurtured food, but not as much as you think. Fresh air and clean water are important. Clothing. Bicycles and your animal friends can carry you. Do you even need to own a vehicle or could you share one with a friend or a neighbor? I understand portals of communication, such as computers and phones, are now considered necessities. They may be for some.

Is there some form of gift you could share with others that would allow you to buy or barter the things you need to survive? Maybe something you could make or do for three days of your week.

Then you would be FREE to enjoy TODAY. Imagine the possibilities.

We see the wild, fierce creativity within you, within your very soul, knit into your being. Set that part of you free. Do it today. The world needs you, needs this giving from you.

20. There are gems among you; find them.

It is the task, the sacred duty of each one of you, to seek the beauty of God, the face of God, within the people around you. When you see it, you will be awestruck at the sight. Your breath will be stolen. The sky will spin and you may need to sit or lie down under a tree or your beautiful sun to compose yourself, to return to peace and balance.

This is what happens to people who fall in love. They glimpse and often stare steadily into the face of God within their beloved. Is it any wonder they can hardly eat or sleep or speak with any sense when the vision is first revealed? There is that of the divine within each one of you. It is the most real, most true.

The change we need is for every person to search for the face of the divine among their brothers and sisters every day, all day long. This is so similar to searching for a beautiful crystal or gem. You know they exist and your people treasure them. You are no different, no less beautiful. You are surrounded by unimaginable beauty every day as you pass by your brothers and sisters. Seek the face of the divine in one another.

21. Breathe life into the animals of the world.

Every animal, from the smallest microbe to the largest whale, is a gift from our Creator to your people. There is God in each one of the animals too, just as there is God within you. It is a different manifestation of the divine that flows through animals. How to describe this?

Children of God are made from the pattern of The Maker. You are aspects, like cells, of the Godhead. I will use one of Sophia’s favorite metaphors the angels taught her. God/Love is the expanding universe, flowing ever outward from its origin in space-time. God/Love moves in waves. As children of God, you are like tiny bubbles of foam on the wave. You are born and you die, perceiving yourselves as separate while you are actually, each one of you, of the foam and of the wave itself. There is no separation, the underlying whole of your beingness is God itself, Love itself. You are baby bubbles of God-stuff. You are how God looks ahead as the journey continues. You are how God comes to know himself/herself/itself. Tiny bubbles, yes. So precious and perfect, each one. That is how we know you as angels.

What of animals? There are three ways I will describe their holiness.

First, I will ask you to know animals as messengers of divine will. Within animals, all animals, dwells a Spirit of Life. This spirit is the passion of Love and God’s desire made manifest. They are Wild Desire and their lives are markers of contentment, deep satisfaction, completion and artistry. They were loved into being.

Animals are also agents of earth love. Their bodies carry the water, minerals, space dust and breath of spirit of your planet. Mother Earth births them. Her consciousness is literally present at the beginning of their lives and the ending. She is connected to each animal with each breath it takes, even when that “breath” is the tiny exchange of a gas molecule. If it eats, breathes, grows, moves and reproduces, she is with them. This is true of plants as well.

Last, animals are reservoirs of joy. They suffer sometimes yes, but in an instant, an animal struggling to hold onto life will remember who it is and experience joy barely imaginable. Their joy is part of their is-ness. It is knit into the fabric of their being. At one always with God/Love and Mother/Love, animals hold forth in joy.

Now I would like to share the how of breathing life into animals. I have 11 suggestions.

  • Move in harmony with the animals. This refers both to their movements as individuals and the movements, the migrations, of large groups of animals. When you move with animals you will be entering the flow of sacred spirit. Wonderment and openness exists there.

  • Listen closely to the animals and honor their needs. Whether they need more space, more cover from their plant companions, more food, or more peace, animals can tell you or show you. There are many among you who receive their communication as clearly as you can read the words on this page and there are few callings more sacred or more needed.

  • Bring your gifts of spiritual healing to all the animals of the world. Pray for them; sing to them; bless them; cry out in gratitude and joy for their existence; bring your dances, your ceremonies, your sacred texts and objects to them.

  • Stop hunting animals and using their bodies.

  • Bring the light of the sun into animal homes where they live in arks. Zoological parks have recently become sacred arks where many species of animals near extinction are traveling through time until the day when they will once again roam free in their homelands. Many of these animals are willingly and lovingly accepting captivity as a sacred mission. Their joy remains untouched. Some animals cannot or will not accept captivity because freedom is tied to their beingness so tightly. For those who live in arks, sunshine is a profound need central to their survival and health. Even animals of the night or the darkness must have regular intervals of sunlight in their homes. There are no exceptions to this.

  • Bring your laws regarding animals into alignment with your highest ideals and the deepest wisdom of your hearts.

  • When you are breathing, send your breath to the animals. Do this as a visualization or a meditation. It will be received as a gift of the Holy Spirit and will help to sustain animals through difficult trials.

  • Feed animals at every opportunity. All animals of the world are stressed and struggling today. Feed them as you would feed your children.

  • Provide homes for as many animals as you can. It is possible to build homes for animals in the wild lands and also the lands in use by people. Domestic animals also need homes. Know that we will give support to those of you who dedicate your lives to providing for animals.

  • Spend as much time as possible in the company of animals. Right now animals are teaching lessons on how to live in interconnection to the people around them. These lessons are not often accessible at a conscious level. They are passing to you through spirit.

  • Bring your children to the animals and the animals to your children.

22. Follow the way of the flower.

Flowers are beings of total beauty and simplicity. Following their way is about being true to the still, small voice within. That voice, the voice of the holy within you, is often soft and quiet. Be still that you might know it. When you hear it, follow it. It doesn’t need to make sense, nor does it have to fit with your understanding of who you are or why you’re here. Trust that voice and follow it.

Flowers are masters of following the still small voice within. They follow every nuance of meaning flowing through their blueprint, the sacred information encoded in their cells. You too have a blueprint and you can step into a way of living in harmony with your deepest truth.

The beauty that results!

23. Join hands with one another.

This is a literal request. Reach out and touch one another on the hand or near the wrist. Join hands at every gathering. Find reasons and build traditions around touching your hands. Fist bumps count. Silly secret handshakes, clapping games, reaching out in joy, sorrow or surprise…. Just as a culture of hugging has been growing and developing among many peoples, we ask you to reinvigorate your customs around joining hands.


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