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On Justice and Fairness

Hello World. My name is Reba. I am here to share how to bring some justice or fairness to your planet. When the word “justice” is used, most people think immediately of the law and courtrooms and such. We angels recognize your legal systems, all of them, need real help, but we’re actually referring to justice and fairness on a much larger scale.

There are many beings, and even beings as yet unborn, whose rights are completely ignored or negated through the activities of certain people and institutions on your planet. You are all interconnected. This unfairness, this lack of balance, is life threatening, and not simply to the beings ignored or negated, but to all life forms.

Put into a concrete example, your people are killing the soils. The soil, which is made up of many trillions of microscopic organisms, does not have a voice. Who is protecting the soil, giving it love and care, recognizing its rights? Very few people. The beings in the soil, the very same ones that make all human life possible are being killed and disregarded as if they are somehow unimportant. Without living soil you will cease to grow healthy, nourishing food and your people will die.

Again, not only is this unfair to the soil, but it is also unfair to the children as yet unborn who require living soil to survive and live with full health. It is also unfair to the countless plants and animals that also depend on living soil. There is no justice here.

I could go on and on about the injustice and unfairness in your world, but you see it every day, or at least most of you do. Some people prefer to ignore what is right in front of them or they prefer to believe the lies tossed around so liberally.

The truth is your planet is on the brink of a catastrophic collapse of your biosphere. For the last several years most angels believed this was inevitable, but things have shifted recently. The light workers among you are digging in and working terrifically hard to hold onto the web of life upon which you all depend. It’s working, but barely.

What is needed is a huge revolution in fairness, equity and balance. What is needed is justice for all life forms. That is what I am here to promote.

These lectures are based on the premise that many human beings are ready to embrace the advice of their angels, the agents of love, messengers of God, beings of pure consciousness, who have served your species from behind the veil for many generations. Every culture and every people knows us. We are familiar figures in your stories, fables and revelations. Are you ready to join with us now to save your planet and guarantee the survival of your great great grandchildren?

Now is the time!

There are seven domains of change in which every person on earth can contribute to the revolution in fairness needed to save your biosphere, and in turn, save your species. Literally everyone can contribute and everyone is needed.

The first domain where change is needed is food.

Globalization has not been a good thing for local food systems. This has to change. People need to eat food produced in local soils by local farmers and growers. Stop purchasing food shipped in from distant places. Eat what is available locally and eat what is in season.

Know your local farmers and growers and support them. Join them when you can to pull weeds and touch the soil from which your food comes. Grow or produce your own food if you can. Learn the arts of food preservation no matter where you live. Then you can carry seasonal abundance into the times of less abundance.

Stop surviving on restaurant food and especially fast food. Cook at home as much as you can and make meals the central part of your day. Revitalize your traditions around hearth and home. Sit down to a table filled with good food surrounded by people you love. Do this often!

Stop eating highly processed so-called food. If it comes in a box, it probably isn’t real food. If it has a long shelf life, it probably isn’t real food. Eat fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, and eat lots of these. Please, please consider ending your habit of eating animals.

There are other ways to support fairness on the earth through food. These include supporting local bakeries and other food production businesses; returning to the practice of bringing your lunch or meal from home when you travel or work; and teaching children how to cook, bake and preserve food at home and in your schools.

The second domain where change is needed is health.

First, if you eat locally grown, unprocessed, home cooked food, your health will improve. It will shock you.

But there is much more you can do to support your health and the health of others. In so doing, you will be supporting fairness on the planet.

Make it a priority no matter where you live to advocate, and even fight for, clean water. Without it, you cannot have health. With it, your health and the health of many other beings on whom you depend, will be safe. We angels are aware of the movement and activities of Water Protectors. The whole of the earth will be a better, healthier place when every person has made a pledge to protect the water and then followed through on that pledge through their every day actions.

Next, attend to the air you breathe. Clean air, like clean water, is a matter of justice for all, not just for the small children, elders, and the sick who struggle with asthma or other chronic respiratory conditions. Every person and every life form on your beautiful planet has a right to clean air. Advocate and even fight for it.

The time is also here to begin restricting and ending the use of many of the chemicals and dangerous chemical-laden products your people use in their homes, yards, businesses and public spaces.

Stop killing so-called weeds! The plants you call weeds today were once valued for their nutritional or medicinal or even their aesthetic qualities.

Stop trying to kill all the bacteria in your indoor spaces! There are many beneficial bacteria being killed along with ones that might cause illness. The resulting imbalances are leading to the cultivation of super bugs and environments ripe for breeding disease-causing agents.

When you clean, use plain soap, vinegar or lemon, and baking soda. This is all you need. Complex chemicals are causing many illnesses among your people. You do not need them!

Protect and nurture your soils. Stop pouring chemical herbicides and pesticides on them now. This is imperative. At the base of the biosphere is the living soil and it is shocking how little soil is truly alive on your planet today. We angels haven’t seen healthy soil in a full generation. Without living soil no one, no human being, no plants and no animals can be healthy. Stop poisoning your soils and start nurturing and nourishing your soils world wide today.

End violence. Many species around the universe have used violence as a means of control and coercion. In time, most learn that violence is self-sustaining and destructive to both perpetrators and victims. Your species is on the brink of this understanding. Step into this knowledge and renounce and reject violence wherever it occurs. True health for all is not possible without a renunciation of violence. It is a disease of the soul for which there are few effective treatments except peace.

Reinvigorate your sense of play. Too many people are spending too much time indoors and watching instead of participating in play and in life. You know this saying, “Life is not a spectator sport.” Reconnect with the activities that bring you joy, with an emphasis on the “active” in the word “activity.”

And finally, for fairness through health, we angels advocate a return to simplicity. What simplicity means to each person will be different. We angels see it as each person using what they need and nothing more. There are literally thousands upon thousands of items or products being produced on your world for which no one has an actual need.

One of Sophia’s favorite examples of this is nail polish. She has the capacity to feel the subtle harm being done to her fingernails and underlying tissue when polish is applied and has never been fond of the practice. She is also aware of the many truly dangerous chemicals involved in the manufacture, packaging, application and removal of nail polish. It is a wholly unsavory business. Would anyone on the earth be hurt if this business disappeared overnight? No. There are other, healthful ways of adorning your nails that have yet to be discovered because there is no demand while people keep accepting toxic enamels and similar products. What is one thing you can give up in order to live more simply? Then, what is one more?

The third domain where change is needed is the education of children.

To begin, your people need to understand what children are. They are your future and they are your teachers. Each generation comes into existence with greater wisdom and greater tools than the previous one. Listen to your children. Do not dictate to them how the world is and how it should be. Follow them. When you start to do these things, your world will be transformed.

Here are some suggestions for transforming the education of children in alignment with what children are and the gifts they bring to your people.

  • Open your classrooms and learning spaces to people of all ages.

  • Stop grading. Trust people to learn what they need and leave what they do not.

  • Invest more time, energy, resources and spirit in education.

  • Support all people in being exposed to and learning multiple languages from an early age.

  • Support all people in learning the language of compassion, kindness and respect for themselves and others from infancy.

  • Return to supporting people in learning hands-on skills.

  • Bring the healing arts into your classrooms and learning spaces.

  • Do far more learning out in the natural world.

  • Support children and all learners in doing real, needed work of all kinds.

  • Involve children in community and political gatherings and processes.

  • Bring children to places and spaces of trouble or problems. Ask them for suggestions on how to resolve or move forward from the difficulty. Then listen!

  • Support children in using their bodies in wild play and frenetic activity for at least 3 hours each day.

  • Support children in spending more time with animals and their elders.

  • Bring children to the center of all decision making in your communities.

  • Ensure all children have access to locally grown, home prepared food, clean water, clean air, safe spaces and safe people.

The fourth domain where change is needed is business.

How do everyday people influence the way business is done when business has become one of the primary forces of injustice and unfairness on the planet?

The answer is quite simple, one step at a time.

Here is a list of suggestions for holding businesses accountable to the people they purport to serve.

  • Divest yourselves of all fossil fuel and related businesses.

  • Invest in solar everything.

  • Support local businesses whenever possible. Support small businesses too.

  • Support businesses that practice long term life promoting outcomes over businesses that practice short term profit generation.

  • Do everything possible politically to reign in the legal powers of business.

  • Use grassroots advocacy and activism to hold businesses accountable for their actions.

  • Bring businesses to heel through legal measures when their actions are illegal, immoral or both.

  • Support investigative journalism and whistleblowers.

  • Practice nonviolent civil disobedience when businesses are engaged in life threatening practices. (Yes, the oil pipelines are an excellent example of this.)

  • Create additional organizations and alliances locally and at every level of organization to police and reign in businesses engaged in life threatening practices.

  • Bring children into the political and legal work against businesses engaged in life threatening practices.

  • Continue to use the power of boycotts to slow businesses engaged in life threatening practices and whenever possible, end their positive reputations through truth campaigns.

  • Use your personal connections to influence people in business to embrace life promoting outcomes.

  • Support businesses with cooperative, democratic organizational structures.

The fifth domain where change is needed is world outlook.

There are four great truths, mostly hidden from view on a daily basis, that serve as the foundation for life on earth.

These truths are:

1. All life is interconnected.

2. All life is interdependent.

3. When one life form is lost, all other life forms are weakened.

4. When a critical number of life forms are lost, all other life forms will be lost as well in time.

Your species is balancing precariously on the edge of losing the critical number of life forms. This is not information coming from your scientists. This is information coming from your angels.

If you are a person who can feel, hear or is in close, immediate connection to your own guardian angels as you read these words, you know they are true.

Share these four great truths with others. Spread the word in every way you can and do it quickly and with all of your gifts. If you are a speaker, speak. If you are a singer, sing. If you are an artist, create art around these truths.

Every day that passes and people ignore these truths puts your species closer to danger. The time is now to open your eyes, your hearts, the whole of your spirit and seek fairness and justice for all life forms on your planet.

The sixth domain where change is needed is politics.

So what to do about politics? We angels have suggestions, of course.

Be prepared, some of them will not be easy.

  • Fight for shorter term limits for your representatives.

  • Support campaign finance reform in the US and other countries where the wealthy are buying elections and candidates.

  • Support more direct democratic action and transparent online voting.

  • Support transparency in every nook and cranny of government.

  • Make the environment your number one political and voting priority.

  • Support younger candidates over older ones.

  • Advocate for the inclusion of young adults and children in all community and political processes.

  • Create advocacy organizations to represent the voices of young adults and children and empower these organizations in every way possible.

  • Advocate for weighted voting that grants a more powerful vote to the young and progressively less powerful votes to people as they age.

  • Advocate for the recognition of rights for animals and plants, ecosystems, wetlands, oceans, lakes and rivers, and landforms.

  • Advocate for the recognition of rights for the unborn and find ways to grant them real legal power.

  • Protest unjust legal decisions and seek political recourse for these actions.

  • Create mass movements of activism and protest on behalf of the natural world.

  • Support investigative journalism and whistleblowers.

  • Hold spiritual healing ceremonies in and around the places of political power everywhere around the earth. Do this whether you have permission or not.

  • Practice nonviolent civil disobedience in support of justice for all life forms.

  • Teach your smallest and youngest children to use their voices to shape the future.

  • Bring animals into the halls of political power whenever possible. Do this whether you have permission or not.

  • Bring your children to the front lines of conflicts about the natural world. We angels will do our best to protect and empower them.

  • Demand an end to war. War not only destroys human lives and souls, it is also a major threat to the integrity of your remaining biosphere and the future of your species.

  • Do everything possible to demand an immediate end to the use of fossil fuels and demand clean energy.

  • Bring your children to the sites of environmental harm and threat and let them witness what is happening to their planet.

  • Be willing to share your feelings of sadness, mourning and grief for the losses you have already experienced and those ongoing.

The seventh and final domain where change is needed is within your heart.

If you are reading this chapter and dismissing my words as those of some sort of environmental extremist, take care… I represent the whole of the angel community in what I am saying. We are all gravely concerned about your biosphere. If this book serves to awaken even a small percentage of the people of this earth, it will be worth the effort. I know your guardian angels are working right now to communicate the truth of this writing to you. Listen to them.

Justice and fairness for the lowliest life form is justice and fairness for every person on planet earth. Start at the bottom and rebuild your soils. Learn to listen to and honor the plants you have remaining. Support the zoos, your arks, and create more and larger parks where animals can be sustained and loved until your people are able to rebalance your use of the land and return them to their wild places. Pray with all earnestness you will be used as a tool in the process of bringing justice to your world.


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