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On Health and Healing

I am the angel Jennifer and I’ve joined this writing club to share some ideas about healing and health with the people of the world.

Health is a beautiful thing, is it not? When you have health, everything in life is easier, more joyful, more restful, more blissful. Without it, everything in life is difficult, dark, heavy and painful. Health can be elusive for some. For others it is something they take for granted. There is an epidemic of poor health on your planet today and many angels are working overtime to help human beings seeking to restore their health.

Let’s unpack the critical aspects of health. You might also think of these as foundations of health. There are four aspects of health most people will recognize, and there are four more subtle aspects of health. All are important.

Health starts with Spirit and Spirit infuses the body through breath. Therefore, breathing is the first foundation of good health. Good breathing requires clean air and plenty of exposure to forests and wild lands where people take in the elements of being and life from the trees and life forms around them.

It is possible to live in a city and breathe well, but it’s not common today. Many of your cities are lacking trees and wild lands. You can restore these spaces to your cities and everyone will benefit for years from your efforts. Urban forests, parks and gardens should be central to all city planning.

Even people in the countryside need to attend to their breath however. There are few wild lands remaining and in some countryside, heavy agriculture is practiced. The poisons being placed on the lands there are very harmful to the soil, water, air and human health.

The mechanics of breathing are nearly as important as the quality and spiritual nurturance of the air. In years past, everyone on your planet sang and this was a wonderful way to build good breathing practice into your lives. Sing again! It will support your breathing and your health!

Other ways to learn good breathing mechanics are through the many breath work practices from religious and spiritual traditions around the world. Putting attention on your breath is key. The specifics of the practice are not as important. This is why singing is such a good way to build good breathing mechanics! In order to sing well you simply have to think about your breathing at times.

Another critical foundation for health, and a rather obvious one, is water. Water needs to be both clean, as in free from all impurities, and joy-filled in order to truly nourish the body and soul. I’m sure most of you are aware of the crisis in water on your planet at this time so let’s skip right to solutions for coping with your current situation.

  • Bless your water each time you drink. This will help the water to remember what it is and feel joy. It will lift the vibration of the water.

  • Invest in water purifications systems both for human and animal spaces.

  • Use stones to support the rehabilitation of the water. Allow water to flow over the stones.

  • Aquatic plants and fish can also help to purify and add joy to water.

  • Protect your water from additional assaults from pollution.

Movement is a cornerstone of health, and another obvious one. Your people have been engaged in what I believe is called a “fitness movement” for some decades. How sad this is considered necessary! In times past, your people all around the world were engaged in daily activities that supported health through regular movement of all kinds, housework, gardening, building, cooking, childcare, and celebration which often included dancing. And let’s not forget sporting activities and games!

I am with Shiva with regard to the idea of ending the slavery of work. Doing what you love and sharing your gifts with your community is not work. Doing what you love and sharing your gifts is LIVING! Work is being tied to a job for pay in order to afford the basic necessities of life. Too often the job is lifeless and destructive to your health. This is especially the case with sedentary jobs, but it can also be the case with repetitive action tasks or very hard labor as well. And for people exposed to toxins?

Life movement is what angels advocate. Do whatever you love doing that includes movement and do it every day. Maybe this is walking or cycling or dancing or cleaning. Maybe this is lifting or swimming or playing with children or decorating. Maybe this is sewing or building or moving earth or tending animals. Do what you love. It truly is this simple.

I’m sure you know what foundation of health I’m going to name next… Yes, it’s food! Just as movement has been turned into “exercise” so too food has been turned into “diet” and “nutrition.” And there is literally nothing complex about food at all. Eat foods grown close to your home that are minimally processed. For the planet, eat as many plant foods as you can manage, minimizing your intake of animal products. These guidelines, locally grown, minimal processing, and plant-based are near guarantees for good health and provide powerful support for healing as well.

These are the Big Four: Breath, Water, Movement and Food. They are what I consider the cornerstones of good health. Without them, good health is very difficult to manage or sustain. With them, everything is possible. There are other aspects of health however, and these are somewhat less obvious than the first four.

One of the less understood aspects of health is Being in Place.

When a person is born, they are given a way of traveling over the earth from their parents and their family members who came before them. Some people receive the gift of travel by horse. Some people receive the gift of walking or running. Others receive the gift of travel by watercraft and still others receive the gift of travel by machine. These gifts of travel are not widely recognized by your peoples because most of you have lost the capacity for spiritual sight, but it is returning to you now.

Traveling in the way you are gifted will support your health. If you are a person with the gift of walking, but you find yourself riding a horse, your health will suffer. Similarly, if you travel by machine over land and your gift is for watercraft, your health will suffer. You can use many means of travel, but it is true that your travel gift is something your soul yearns to use and to express. Giving expression to your gift of travel will support good health.

Another way of Being in Place is through geography. It seems as if many people have a strong sense of this aspect of health while others have forgotten it. Within each person there lies an affinity to particular landforms. This is similar to the gifts of travel you receive as a newborn infant. Some people are drawn to mountains, others to the sea. Forests call some people forth and grassy plains call to other people. Rivers might be your landform of choice, or meadows, or desert rocks, or tundra or even caves. For each of you there is a landform that speaks to your soul. Living close to that landform, or upon it, will support the flourishing of your health because your soul will experience deep peace in that place.

Being in Place is also about serenity. There is a sense of peace that comes from being in the location where your soul is in the best possible place to learn your soul lessons and share your soul gifts. Sometimes people are drawn away from a location that is ideal for them. They may even long for it or feel a calling to go to it. If you are a person who is experiencing a sense that you are not in the “right” place, heed this feeling and honor it. It is very possible your health will suffer if you are not living in the ideal location for your soul.

The best way to describe this is to imagine your soul at war with your conscious self. Your conscious self might be saying, “I have to be here because it’s best for my family, or I have a good job here, or this is where everyone says I should be.” Beware of that thinking! Your soul might be saying something very different like, “I can’t be free here, or I am bored here, or I feel like I am dying here.” You might even develop an allergy to the geology of a particular area simply because you do not belong there. This is a cause of illness for some people.

Another little recognized aspect of health is Relational Interdependence.

There is an aspect of balance or harmony that exists between people in relationships that are health promoting. These relationships are characterized by kindness, a balance between time together and time apart, respect for one another, shared decision making, and time spent with community. These aspects of balance are important to all relationships, whether between parent and child, siblings, romantic partners or friends. When balance and harmony is lacking in a relationship, illness is nearly a guaranteed result.

So what might a person do who is experiencing an imbalanced relationship, especially one that is impacting their health? We angels have several recommendations for this situation. Some of this counsel may seem commonsense, but other aspects are less so.

Begin by assessing your sense of connection to the other person. Ask these questions: Am I happy with this person? Do I feel more alive when this person is with me? When I think about my future with this person, what sort of feelings and sensations arise in my body? Next, ask yourself this question. What sort of person am I when I am with this person? Finally, spend some time in quiet meditation or solitude and ask yourself if this person is supporting you in learning your soul lessons and sharing your soul gifts with the world.

There are three general results from performing this assessment of your connection to the other person in your life. You may discover you are deeply connected to them. You may discover you are connected and yet conflicted with them, or you may discover your connection is actually quite weak.

The first and the last situation are often not difficult to resolve. When you are deeply connected to another person and there is imbalance between you, communicating your sense of imbalance and asking the other person to work with you in creating balance often works well. When you are with a person with whom you have a weak connection, we would encourage you to leave the relationship.

When you discover you are connected to a person and yet a significant conflict exists between you, this is when the situation is more challenging. It is always best to communicate directly with the person about your belief that there is imbalance between you and ask the person to work with you. However, you may find it difficult to receive cooperation from a person with whom you are conflicted. In this case, we would encourage you to undertake the following practical and spiritual measures in order to stimulate change in your situation.

  • Do some prayer work, in whatever form of prayer you wish, around asking Spirit, in whatever form you understand it, to support you in learning your soul lessons and sharing your soul gifts.

  • Ask the person with whom you are connected and conflicted to bring you into a place of peace in their heart.

  • Take the person with whom you are connected and conflicted into a place of peace in your own heart.

  • Spend time with the person in silent contemplation or meditation.

  • Spend time holding hands with the person and synchronizing your breath with each other if at all possible.

  • Bring the other person in front of you and place their hands on your heart while you place your hands on their heart.

  • Using the same glass, share a small amount of water with the person.

These small rituals are designed to bring harmony between two people and they work particularly well with people experiencing conflict. The rituals will not resolve the conflict. Rather, they will support one or both persons in making change in the direction of resolution.

Yet another aspect of health is Spiritual Joy.

The opposite of Spiritual Joy is living in fear. Living in fear is a significant cause of illness today. Since fear is best ignored or minimized, we angels will offer you a list of ways to cultivate Spiritual Joy in your life. These suggestions are nearly guaranteed to spark greater joy!

  • Choose an animal to which you feel drawn or curious. This could be an individual animal such as a domestic pet that belongs to a friend, or an entire family of animals, such as tigers. Then spend some time in quiet contemplation of the animal.

  • Think of a time when you were deeply happy, even if just for a moment. Take some time to write about, draw, or otherwise express creatively what this time was like for you and why.

  • Host a celebration of any kind for any reason your heart chooses.

  • Spend time near trees.

  • Bring a gift to a friend.

  • Cook or bake something to eat you really enjoy.

  • Breathe in peace while visualizing yourself surrounded by rainbow light.

  • If you are able, turn in circles until you are dizzy and then sit down and savor the continued spinning.

  • Write a list of things for which you are grateful.

  • Spend some time in service to those less fortunate than you.

  • Drink water mixed with your favorite fruit juice for a whole week.

  • Practice random acts of kindness.

  • Take yourself on an unexpected journey.

  • Spend some time upside down.

The final aspect of health recognized by the angels is Serenity.

There are five different, yet interrelated aspects of Serenity. They include self and soul, self and family, self and world, self and life, and self and all. You might choose to imagine these different aspects of Serenity as a circle with You in the center surrounded by increasingly larger circles around you, each labeled soul, family, world, life and all.

Serenity is the result of being in a state of harmony or right relationship with what is around you. Sophia teaches about alignment or listening to the divine in your life. Serenity is also related to this practice of listening and honoring how the divine is working within, through and around you.

If the other aspects of your health seem to be intact and functioning well, if your Breath, Water, Movement, Food, Being in Place, Relational Interdependence and your Spiritual Joy are all addressed yet you are still experiencing poor health, it may be time to consider an assessment of your Serenity. It may seem like a big task but it’s not actually a difficult process.

Begin by dedicating five days of meditation or quiet contemplation to the five aspects of Serenity, one day for each aspect. On day one, contemplate your self and soul. On day two, meditate on self and family, and so on. You probably won’t need more than 20 to 30 minutes of quiet time to do this work each day. After each day’s quiet time is done, spend some time recording your impressions.

It’s likely you will find one or even more than one aspect of Serenity where you feel imbalance or a lack of harmony. This is a good thing! Identifying an area of imbalance is key to promoting a restoration of balance and achieving Serenity in your life.

Now this is the important part to understand… It’s not necessary to discern all the specific reasons for the imbalance. The reasons for imbalance could be very deeply hidden or there might be many reasons for imbalance. What is important is taking action in the direction of restoring balance!

Here are seven steps to restoring balance between your self and any of the five aspects of Serenity.

  • First, cleanse yourself of all mind-altering drugs for 21 days. This includes alcohol and tobacco.

  • Following your cleanse, dedicate one day to listening. It might be necessary to plan a one-day retreat in order to have the solitude and quiet needed to listen deeply. During this day of listening, we suggest you refrain from all media and spend time “doing nothing” or engaged in contemplative spiritual practices.

  • Following your day of listening, dedicate an hour or two each day for an additional 15 days to quiet listening or contemplative practice in nature.

  • Next, select a trusted friend or family member to support you in a brief healing ritual. Your healing ritual can consist of three elements. First, host the ritual in a place outdoors where you experience a sense of peace and/or joy. Second, bless some water and be ready to drink it. Third, make a simple declaration of your intention to restore harmony between your self and the aspect or aspects of Serenity where you have been experiencing imbalance. Your friend or family member is present as a witness to this ritual because in the presence of another, your declaration has great integrity and power. Simply make your declaration in a reverent manner (respectful and with gratitude in your heart), drink your blessed water, and thank your witness for their time and support.

  • Spend the next 21 days offering gratitude to Spirit in whatever way you choose for the restoration of balance in your life and the gift of Serenity that will result.

  • After your 21 days of gratitude, celebrate your newly restored Serenity in joyful activity of some kind you associate with marking an Important Event in your life.

  • Prepare yourself for change as your soul, in alignment with your self, moves into a new place of balance and harmony in your life.

Now that we have outlined the 8 foundations of health, let’s discuss healing.

Health is the absence of illness and the flourishing of a person’s mind, body and spirit. Healing is the restoration of health after a time of illness.

Illness is an imbalance or lack of harmony that compromises the functioning of mind, body or spirit. Any kind of pain, whether mental, physical or spiritual, is an indicator of illness.

Although there are innumerable ways and means of restoring balance and harmony, we angels recognize 17 principles of healing important for your people at this time. These principles may help people step into greater confidence in their own capacity to initiate, ease and support their own healing and the healing of others.

  • Healing is a gift that is always available to everyone at all times. Healing does not always equate with cure however. There are times when the damage sustained by a body is so great that death is necessary. It might also be a soul’s plan to die at a particular time for a particular reason related to a soul lesson or sharing of a soul gift.

  • There are many reasons why a person might not be open or ready for healing. Oftentimes illness is tied to an important soul lesson or sharing of a soul gift. There are many people who are serving your species at this time by working on the transmutation of various disease-causing entities such as bacteria and viruses. Many others are working on solving the riddle of cancer and other illnesses such as heart disease. Few of these heroes are consciously aware of the fact that their souls have chosen this service.

  • The person experiencing the illness must request healing. It is not possible to inflict healing on a person or a soul who is not choosing it. Again, it is important to understand that some souls are dedicated to serving your species through their experiences with illness. These people ought to be recognized and revered for their service.

  • Healing is tied to everything else in a person’s life. While it is fashionable these days among some of your people to pay lip service to the idea of body, mind and spirit, very few among you actually understand the profound interconnection of being in which you dwell. The fact that your planet is polluted and experiencing significant changes related to human impacts is, by definition, negatively impacting the health of every person on earth.

  • Deep listening in one’s life supports healing. There are myriad ways of listening to your soul and to the flow of life around you. There is no magic in this and listening can be either conscious or beyond a person’s awareness. Many people listen deeply and follow Spirit without any conscious awareness they are doing so.

  • Healing can be made easier or supported by other people. Persons in the healing professions are the most easily recognized people who support healing among those in need. However, there are many other people without specific training, some of whom do not even have awareness of their giftedness, who also support healing.

  • Healing does not require faith. It requires willingness and readiness on the part of the person seeking healing. The challenge lies in the fact that sometimes a person’s soul is not willing or ready for healing for a variety of reasons even though their conscious mind and heart might be.

  • Flowers are powerful supporters of healing because they facilitate an open connection to Spirit for the person experiencing illness.

  • Animals are also powerful supporters of healing because they facilitate an open flow of energy within and around the person experiencing illness.

  • Healing is a unique aspect of union between each soul and Spirit. For this reason, healing cannot readily be predicted or facilitated by the application of population-based methods. True healing is a journey of discovery between a soul and Spirit.

  • At times, healing may appear to be taking place when what is actually happening is a miracle. A miracle, by angelic standards, is an interruption of the laws of nature for the purpose of the advancement of Spirit. Miracles are far more common than people realize.

  • When healing has occurred, it is a time for celebration. Your people need to celebrate more!

  • Healing can be shared among your people. When one person is healed of a particular illness, that person should be supported in spending time with other people afflicted by the same illness. The healed person’s soul is carrying information that can be transmitted through their presence to others. Your people only recently developed this capacity. It is time to start using it intentionally.

  • Healing of your earth, your animals, your plants and the webs of interconnection between you all will result in greater health for the people of your planet. The opposite is also true. When people are healed, it will result in healing among other life forms and within the planet itself.

  • Greater healing is possible on your planet. Prioritizing healing is all you need to do to improve the health of everyone and everything.

  • There may come a time when your people doubt their ability to survive on the earth due to the imbalances that currently exist. Some people already feel this way. Your people have the ability to heal every person and the whole of your biosphere.

  • Today you can start dedicating yourself to supporting greater healing in the world by lighting a candle with this intention.

I hope this information on health and healing from an angelic perspective is helpful to the people of earth. It has been a joy and an honor to share what I know to be true with you all.


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