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On Animals

Hello People of Planet Earth! My name is Frank and I am here to share what I know about animals, and specifically how animals can support people in awakening.

When we angels speak of “awakening,” we are referring to the deepening of understanding around the Big Questions of existence. “Who am I?” is one of these questions. “Why am I here?” is another.

Animals can help you to answer those questions because they are your spiritual cousins. You all share similar DNA or informational coding related to Planet Earth. (She is so beautiful, your planet!) Sharing the same informational coding allows you to converse in spirit with every other being that shares the same base pairs of code.

You can speak in spirit to whales and beavers and birds of all kinds and insects. Right now there is a tiny beetle creeping toward Sophia’s leg and I’ve encouraged her to let it roam. It has come to deliver a message to her soul. There are many animals delivering messages to your people right now. It is happening at an amazing rate, much accelerated from previous times.

So what kind of information can animals share about what it means to be human or what the higher purpose of your people might be?

Well, it’s a bit difficult to explain in words because in general, animals don’t rely on spoken language to communicate. They have incredible wisdom though and they communicate using other, sometimes very sophisticated means. Most animals are either empathic, meaning they communicate through the direct sharing of emotion through spirit, or they are telepathic, meaning they communicate through the direct sharing of thought through spirit.

This tiny beetle now hanging out near Sophia’s elbow is empathic and it is sending a message to her soul that could be roughly translated as “You/I are One. You/I are One.” The feeling the beetle is sending is akin to unity, the joining or connection of two or more beings in union. She is sharing her knowledge of the interconnection of all life and Sophia’s soul is taking this information into her person.

Why is this important, you might wonder? Receiving communication from your animal cousins is terrifically important right now because the earth, your home and shared body, is in grave peril. Sophia tells me that many among you are not concerned about the future of the earth, knowing that she will continue on regardless of what happens to the biosphere or your species. This is true in a sense. But it is also true that You Are Her Children, as are all the animals and plants that comprise the beautiful biosphere of life knit over the surface of her skin. She loves you. This is True! Your Mother Earth yearns to live in joyful harmony and flourishing with your species and every species of which she is a part.

Now we angels are aware that your species, as Children of God/Creation, are still very immature. You have only just crossed over the threshold of having become spiritual children. Your spiritual infancy has only recently ended. As spiritual infants it was normal and natural for you to draw sustenance from your mother. Now however, things must change in the direction of improved balance between your species and your mother, the planet. In order to improve that balance, you all need to grow in your awareness of who and what you truly are and why you are here.

I can tell you, with the authority of the angels, true messengers of God and Love, that you are Children of God/Love/Creation. But would you understand what I am telling you? Maybe intellectually you would, but would the knowledge change you or inform your actions in the future?

Not in the same way the knowledge and wisdom of the animals will. The animals are sending you spiritual gifts of great value today and in the days to come. My purpose with this chapter is to support you in opening yourselves to those gifts. In so doing, you will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a human being and how your role on this planet is to be a sacred keeper of the flame of life.

What follows is a simple list of ways in which people can open themselves and welcome the gifts of the animals. Follow these ways and experience transformation!

  • When you see an animal, no matter what kind, smile at it! This is a powerful signal of invitation in spirit and will send the message to the animal that you are open to its gifts.

  • Talk to animals. Again, it does matter whether you are talking to your pet dog, the neighbor’s cat, the slug on your lettuce leaf, the fish in the pond at your local park, the bird on the branch and so on. Talking to the animals is another powerful invitation in spirit.

  • If you have time, space and resources, take animals in need into your home. You will receive unlimited gifts of spirit from the animals themselves and from what you know as the Holy Spirit or Great Spirit for offering shelter and food to your animal cousins.

  • Support organizations that shelter, minister, and protect animals, and/or support habitat conservation or restoration for animals. Again, it doesn’t matter if you are called to support domestic animals or wild animals. They are all your cousins. They all need your help now.

  • Spend more time outdoors. Your chances of seeing a wider variety of animals will increase when you spend time outdoors and there are health benefits besides!

  • Spend some time in reflection on an animal or animals that call to your heart and soul. You might feel called to express your feelings for this animal creatively through art or poetry. You might also feel called to write this animal a love letter or a series of questions. Sink deeply into your love for a particular animal or animals and learn all you can about them. Allow yourself to fall in love with the animals that call to you.

  • When you are in love with a particular animal, share your love and your knowledge of the animal and its wonders with other people. Join clubs or organizations dedicated to the animal you love so you can be around others who share your feelings and appreciation.

  • Speak out for animals whenever and wherever you have the opportunity.

  • Know that every time you see an animal, you have the opportunity to receive a gift from it.

  • Invite animals to your celebrations. Make each party an opportunity to spend time with or around animals or to introduce your friends to new animals.

  • Work to strengthen your laws that protect animals and their habitats.

  • Support animals on the other side of your planet as well as the animals that live in your area.

  • Understand that animals can be agents of peace in a warring world. When you are faced with a stranger and you don’t know what to say, talk about animals with them. A love of animals unites most people.

  • Do everything you can to encourage connection between children and animals.

  • Bring animals into your city planning. Cities need to have healthy populations of certain animals to thrive. Some of the animals that have adapted well to city life include (seek list online) domesticated pets, squirrels, rabbits, deer, coyote, raccoon, several species of monkeys, and many species of birds like pigeons.

  • Seek gentle measures to control animals considered pests. Rodents like rats are an excellent example. Poisoning animals is incredibly destructive to the animals and to your earth and home. Killing animals is always considered a spiritual crime. Gentle measures include live trap and release, importing predators that can manage populations of animals prone to high reproduction, and land use and building techniques that support living in balance with naturally occurring populations of animals.

  • Support and expand your zoological parks. They are now considered arks and are important in maintaining viable populations of animals that will one day be released back into the wild.

  • Find ways of communicating with animals in their own language. There are people at work decoding the mysteries of whale song right now. Continue this work with as many species as possible.

  • Listen to and learn from the animal communicators among your people. There has been rising awareness of the giftedness of some people for working with and understanding animals. Seek these people out and honor them with your time and support.

  • For people who want to offer spiritual service to the animals, consider performing regular meditation around animals with rainbow light. Direct prayer for the animals is also welcome.

  • Consider transforming your festivals around death like Halloween into festivals of celebration of your animal kin. Among angels, we experience a great deal of dismay around the needless fear of death, which is a natural part of your life cycle, nor do we understand how evil is made to seem so glamorous in this holiday. If your people, especially those in the United States and Europe, were to dedicate their festivals to honoring animals instead, the spiritual benefits would be incalculable.

  • Stop killing insects. They are animals too and most of them are your friends. Even the pests like mosquitos, ticks, fleas, bedbugs and various other unloved species have a purpose under heaven.

  • Be aware of how the common, everyday items you use in your home or in your work might have impacted animals. Stop buying or using products that are harmful to animals or their habitat.

  • Understand that all animals are interconnected. If you harm one animal, you harm all animals. If you love one animal, you love all animals.

  • Start weaning yourself from animal derived food and other products today (honey, wool, silk, milk and eggs, etc). There may come a time when human beings are able to reestablish balanced relationships with animals in ways that allow you to share in the material gifts animals have to offer but until that time, it would be better for people to stop using animal derived food and other products.

  • If you eat animals of any kind, please stop.

  • Work to end the experimentation and genetic manipulation of animals.


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