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Being and Purpose

A key angelic teaching is based on the idea that our being is much, much more important than our doing.

What we do in our conscious/waking lives accounts for only 3% of our life purpose.

Our souls are responsible for contributing 97% of our life purpose, or reason for being.

Take some time to sink into that idea... The reason for our lives, the true giving of our gifts are due to actions, invisible to us, undertaken by our souls!

We don't really know or fully understand why we are here. Our soul's purposes are hidden, and they are hidden for good reasons, just as the veil between our waking reality and spirit exists for a reason. (more on the reasons why spirit is hidden in future posts)

While this teaching may seem radical and strange, it is certainly in line with many of the teachings of the world's major religions and spiritual traditions. How many times are we told the waking world is simply illusion or otherwise not important?

How often are we told not to fear?

I ask you to consider this possibility...

If what we do in our conscious/waking lives isn't really important, then the following ideas are also true:

  1. People are equal. One person may appear to be making a significant contribution to our world through their artistry or fame or intellect or other gifts, but the person living on the street may actually be gifting the world with far more.

  2. Worrying about earthly details is a waste of time and energy. What we do in our day-to-day lives is far less important than we could ever imagine.

  3. A life well lived focuses on doing things that bring us joy because by living in joy our souls are strengthened. A strong, joy-filled soul will fulfill the purposes for which a person was born.

  4. Our so-called successes and failures really aren't a big deal and do not mean much.

Oftentimes, I encounter people dedicated to light and love who feel tremendous concern that they might not be fulfilling their life purpose. They worry they aren't making sufficient contribution to our world, especially now as we are enveloped by so many apparent crises.

Let me assure you, if you chase your joy, your soul will take care of the work you came to do. Follow your heart wherever it might lead you in faith at the leadership of your soul. You came here to give of your gifts and to learn. Your joy is the key to both.


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